Acupressure: New Concepts of Energy in Acupressure

The therapies of Acupressure, Acupuncture, Shiatsu, etc. are based on the principle of bio-electricity. Moreover, E.E.G. and E.C.G. also prove the existence of electricity flowing in the body, So, to function properly, the human body requires electricity with equal positive and negative charge.

It has been proved that excess of positive electricity creates excess of heat in the body-leading to many problems of hyperacidity-sluggish liver, damage to the brain, etc. and other diseases. Excess of negative electricity leads to excess of water content in the body, reducing the digestion power in the body. That is why the food we take should be as far as possible balanced in positive and negative electric charges.

It is a well-known fact of science that energy cannot be created, it can only be transformed. Now due to combustion of hydrogen gas, the sun has become a tremendous powerhouse of energy. This is received on the earth in the form of sunlight which not only gives us light and heat but also electric energy. All the vegetation, fruits, crops, etc. is there only because of the sun.

The cereals, pulses go on collecting this solar energy for 30 to 45 days after the bush has developed. And when this staple food is consumed, it is converted into energy in our body. In the same way, the fruits gather this solar energy and grow bigger and ripen and when eaten they give good amount of nutrition, Likewise, this solar energy is collected by the grass and leaves. The thicker the leaves, the more is solar energy and medicinal value they have.

Moreover, green grass and leaves are easily digestible and contain in them equal quantity of positive and negative electricity. The mammals like goat, cow, buffalo and camel consume green grass and leaves and convert the hidden energy into nutritious milk. Animals like the horse, the rhinoceros and the elephant live only on this vegetation and are considered to be the strongest.

Now, we can tap this abundant and free energy for our body. It is true that we cannot eat large quantities of grass and vegetation; but the extract of leaves, grass and of all non-poisonous vegetation can be consumed easily. It is digestible and it gives the human body all types of salts, minerals, vitamin C and a good amount of energy.

In case of a dreaded disease like cancer, the main problem often is loss of weight and stamina because more cells die every day than are created new in the body. In all types of cancer, the patients are kept on a special diet of :

· 4 to 5 cups of green juice extracted out of all types of leafy vegetables, cabbage, carrots, etc. adding thereto honey.
· 2 glasses of fruit juice.
· Plenty of green salads + sprouted pulses and after 15 days, 8 to 10 oz of curds.

And surprisingly, these patients gain weight of about 3 to 5 lbs per month, get more stamina and also their disease is cured.

Similarly, in all chronic cases and brain problems, the patients are kept on the above diet and the results are astounding. This only proves the great amount of energy and medicinal value this green juice has.

Every year, lots of these leaves ripen and fall down and are wasted. These leaves can be used to get their extract. Even the dried leaves can be soaked in water for two hours and their extract can be taken. Moreover, it is possible to grow 20 to 24 crops of such vegetation in a year. The waste of these green leaves can be used as fodder for the animals and can be used as a wet pack for skin problems. Thus, there will be full utilization of the leaves.

Honey is a great source of solar energy and has great medicinal value, when it is added to the green juice in the proportion of 1 tablespoon to one cup of green juice, it becomes a perfect food, is easily digestible and is very quickly transformed into blood.

Secondly, after the body is fully developed by the age of 18-21, what the human body requires is enough electric energy to maintain it in such a condition that the body remains energetic and is capable of doing all the required work and of enjoying life fully. Therefore, from the age of 20 onwards, food intake should be reduced gradually and after the age of 60, the intake of food should be brought down to the minimum.

Our diet should be supplemented more and more with green juice, honey and fruits. Moreover, if everybody carries out the experiment shown in this book to find out which eatables/drinks are suitable to his body and eats accordingly, the total requirement of food will be minimised to a great extent.

It may be noted that through the experiments carried out in China and Japan it has been found out that if one develops a practice Of eating preparations of only one cereal like rice or wheat or pulses without any salt or spices and milk, vegetables or fruits, etc. and stays on such diet for 12 days twice a year, his body acquires the proper balance of positive and negative electricity and becomes so immune as to resist even the nuclear radiation.

Afterwards, if a balanced diet consisting of 65 % of staple food + 35 % of milk and its products; oils, fruits, vegetables, etc. are taken with minimum of spices; the body remains healthy and energetic throughout life. This is also amply proved by Jains in India. They do a penance of 9 days twice a year. They take preparations of rice on the first day, wheat on the second day, gram on the third day, Chinese peas i. e. Mung, on the fourth day; black peas i. e. Udada on the fifth day and only rice on the remaining four days.

They have been doing this for thousands of years. Sometimes, some one performs such penance for 500 days. It has been observed that such a person does not suffer from any disease for want of nutrition or vitamins. This is only because he consumes food which has equal quantum of positive and negative electricity in it. Moreover, he takes such food only once a day and boiled water during the day.

This clearly proves that the human body can stay healthy and capable of doing the daily chores with the minimum of food. This fact is also proved by Mahatma Gandhiji, Shri Vinoba Bhave, Morarji Desai and many others. Moreover, it also proves that there is no necessity of eating meat, fish, eggs, etc. to get more energy.

If all the people gradually follow this principle of reducing the food intake and supplementing it with green juice, fruits, etc., there will be enough food available on the earth and there will not be any more famine. Moreover, the body will remain healthy and most of the problems of indigestion, overweight, etc. will be controlled automatically. It may be noted that just by consuming more juice of GREEN, people will become

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