Herbal Remedies: Therapeutic Properties of Lemon Peel

It’s not just a garnish for your lemonade. Try our Lemon Peel for natural good health. Its high nutritive content (especially ascorbic acid) helps to build the body’s immune system and ward off infection, and its digestive qualities help to ease indigestion, colic and nausea Lemon Peel may also halt vomiting.


Lemon Peel is the ripened rind of Lemons, which grow on tender trees that thrive in rich, well-drained soil in full sun with ample moisture during the growing season.

Lemons are native to northern India, and are also cultivated in the West Indies, the Mediterranean region and other tropical countries throughout the world, but do not transplant well. The trees may grow to a height of twenty-two feet with green leaves and flowers that produce yellow fruits that are very sour.


The name Lemon is derived from the Arabic, limun or limu, which, in turn, comes from the Sanskrit, nimbuka, a term that covers several types of citrus. The trees reached Europe by way of Persia (or Media) and were first grown in Greece, and then Italy in the second century.

There is a great deal of current research being conducted lately with respect to Lemon Peel and its powerful constituent, d-limonene, a cyclic monoterpene that causes G1 cell cycle arrest, but thus far, no conclusions have been drawn, and further research is needed. (You may wish to check out the Memorial Sloan-Kettering site for further information about d-limonene.)

Lemon has been an important ingredient in herbal medicines, as well as candies, baked goods, drinks and preserves, with the peels used in aromatherapy and potpourris for their strong fragrance. Some of the constituents in Lemon Peel include volatile oils, flavonoids, coumarins, hespendin (a bitter, crystalline glucoside), a high content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), protein, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins A.


Lemon Peel Is considered a digestive. It contains a bitter principle that is effective in stimulating the digestive tract and promoting good digestion, and it has long been used to calm an upset stomach, ease colic and indigestion, and also stop vomiting.

Lemon Peel is highly nutritional and loaded with important minerals and vitamins (especially ascorbic acid/vitamin C) that are beneficial in cases of vitamin deficiency, such as scurvy, etc., as well as helping to build immunity against infection. Moreover, Lemon Peel is said to reduce permeability of blood vessels, which may be helpful in relieving the discomforts of phlebitis. Reducing permeability of blood vessels may also increase the body’s resistance to invasive infection and disease.

As a diuretic, Lemon Peel is thought to help promote urine flow and work to cool the body.

Lemon Peel is thought to improve peripheral circulation that helps to stimulate blood flow to the hands and feet, which can be of great relief to older people with poor circulation.

When used topically. Lemon Peel is thought to help stop bleeding gums after vigorous brushing.


Take two (2) capsules, one (1) to two (2) times each day with water at mealtimes.


Currently, there appear to be no warnings or contraindications with the use of Lemon Peel, but when used topically, it may cause photosensitivity or contact dermatitis.

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