Diet Cure: Treatment Chart for Gall Bladder Disorders


I. Fast on raw juices for five days. Take a glass of juice diluted with water every two hours during the day and use warm water enema to cleanse the bowels.

II. After the juice fast, adopt a lacto-vegetarian diet on the following lines:-

1. Upon arising: 30 ml. of olive oil and follow it immediately with 120 ml. of lemon juice or grapefruit juice.
2. Breakfast: Fresh fruit, one or two slices of whole meal toast and a cup of skimmed milk.
3. Mid-morning: Carrot juice or lemon juice.
4. Lunch: Vegetable soup, a large salad consisting of vegetables in season with dressing of lemon juice or vegetable oil. Fresh fruit for dessert, if desired.
5. Mid-afternoon: A glass of carrot or lemon juice.
6. Dinner: Vegetable soup or juice, one or two steamed vegetables, brown rice or whole wheat chappati and a glass of buttermilk.

AVOID: All meats, eggs, animal fats, sugar, white flour, all products made from them processed and denatured foods, fried and greasy foods, refined carbohydrates, alcohol, tea, coffee, spices, condiments, pickles and smoking.


1. Apply regularly hot and cold fomentation to the abdomen.
2. A cold hip bath for ten minutes on an empty stomach or three hours after meals.
3. Hot pack or fomentation to the upper abdominal region in case of pain of gall stone colic.
4. Brisk walks and yoga asanas like shalabhasana, bhujangasana and shavasana.

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