Diet Cure: Dietary Treatment for Psoriasis

Since psoriasis is a metabolic disease, a cleansing juice fast for about two weeks is always desirable in the beginning of treatment. Carrots, beets, cucumbers and grapes may be used for juices. Juices of citrus fruits should be avoided. A warm water enema should be used daily to cleanse the bowels during the fast.

After the juice fast, the patient should adopt the diet of three basic food groups, namely seeds, nuts and grains, vegetables and fruits, with emphasis on raw seeds and nuts especially sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and plenty of organically grown raw vegetables and fruits.

In this regimen, the breakfast may consist of fresh fruit such as apples, grapes, pears, peaches, pineapples and a handful of raw nuts or a couple of tablespoons of raw seeds. A large bowl of fresh green vegetable salad, and sprouts may be taken for lunch and dinner may consist of steamed vegetables and whole wheat chappatis.

After noticeable improvement, goat’s milk, yogurt and home made cottage cheese may be added to the diet. Juice fast may be repeated after four weeks on the diet. All animal fats, including milk, butter, and eggs should be avoided. Refined or processed foods and foods containing hydrogenerated fats or white sugar , all condiments, tea, coffee, alcohol and tobacco should also be avoided.

Lecithin has proved effective in the treatment of psoriasis. The disease has also been helped by vitamins A and B6. The patient should take the three tablespoons of granular lecithin daily along with all nutrients needed to help the liver produce its own lecithin. He should also take generous amounts of vitamins C, E and B-complex.

The hot Epsom salt bath is highly beneficial in the treatment of psoriasis. Three full baths should be taken weekly until the trouble begins to subside. The number of baths thereafter may be reduced to two weekly and finally to one. Regular sea water baths and application of sea water externally over the affected parts once a day are also beneficial.

In many cases, psoriasis responds well to sunlight. The affected parts should be frequently exposed to the sun. The patient should undertake plenty of regular exer- cise in fresh air, especially exposing the affected parts and deep breathing exercises. He should avoid all nervous tensions and should have adequate rest.

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