Natural Cure: Common Yoga Poses – Dhanurasana – Paschimottanasana

You are to assume the form or the pose of a bow (dhanu). Lie down on the ground keeping the face downwards. Bend your legs and hold your ankles with the hands.

Now raise the hind part of the body and then the front part as far as possible. Bend your neck backwards looking at the sky. Tighten up the body bent in the form of a bow, inhaling the breath.

After a minute, or so, come back exhaling to your original position.

Dhanurasana makes the spine elastic and strengthens the kidneys. It cures abdominal diseases and improves digestion. It removes uterus ailments and cures menstruation defects.

It also strengthens the heart, the neck, the ribs and the lungs.


Sit on a dari (carpet). Stretch your legs forward, placing the soles of the feet on the ground. Slowly inhaling raise your hands up, pointing the palms of the hands forward and the arms slightly touching the ears.

Bring your hands up, pointing the palms of the hands forward and the arms slightly touching the ears. Bring your hands down to catch your heels. Pulling the heels with your hands, place the elbow on the ground, burying your face between the knees.

Do not raise the knees and keep this pose for a minute, or so and then return to your original position.

This asana cures the disorder of the kidneys, the liver and the spleen. It removes constipation and piles and makes the spine elastic. It invigorates hunger.

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