Preksha Yoga: Shat Kriyas – Nauli and Basti


It is a yogic technique of massaging the whole abdomen and stomach by contracting and rolling the abdominal muscles, specially the rectus abdominis muscle.

• Stand erect with the feet separate by metre.
• Lean forward and place the hand on both thighs just above the knees.
• Perform Uddiyan bandh.
• Now contract the muscles rectus abdominis and isolate them at the centre of the abdomen (Stage-I: Madhyama nauli).
• Now bring the rectus abdominis muscles at the left side of the abdomen (Stage-II: Varna nauli).
• Now bring the rectus abdominis muscles at the right side of abdomen (Stage-Ill: Dakshina nauli).
• Now try to roll the rectus abdominis muscles so that they move from left of centre and then to right, while holding the breath outside (Stage-IV).
• Then inhale, relax and after normal respiration again repeat the process of rolling the muscles in opposite direction, i.e. right to left.

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Preksha Yoga: Shat Kriyas – Kapal Bhati and Trataka

Kapal Bhati

Kapal bhati is basically a technique of pranayama. Some ancient yogic scriptures have also classified it as a part of Shat karmas. It has great resemblance with Bhastrika pranayama. The practice of Kapal bhati not only purifies the frontal area of brain, but also gives adequate massage to the abdominal organs and improves respiration. It is of three types:
(a) Vatkrama
(b) Vyutkrama
(c) Sheetkrama

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Preksha Yoga: Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

Surya Namaskar makes the whole body supple for doing yogic asanas efficiently. It comprises 12 graceful positions. Each position supplements and counteracts the one before in succession, stretching the body in a different way and alternately contracting and expanding the chest to regulate the breathing. It brings about remarkable flexibility to the muscles, joints and spine, along with massaging all the internal organs. One round of 12 positions is to be performed in two sequences. In the beginning start slowly and do it in succession.

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Preksha Yoga: Tadaasana, Vrikshasana and Trikonasana


• Stand erect with the feet together, the heels and big toes touching each other.
• Raise the arms up over the head, fingers interlocked and palms facing upward.
• Keep the stomach in, chest forward.
• Now look up at the hands.
• Lift the heels and stretch the whole body upward.
• Slowly return the heels on to the ground.
• Hold the breath inside while stretching the body.
• Repeat the process five times.

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Preksha Yoga: Kati Chakrasana, Padmasana and Sukhasana

Rati Chakrasana

• Adopt a standing posture with the feet 2 feet (60 cm) apart.
• Extend both the arms straight in the line of shoulders.
• Give a twist to the upper part of the body from the waist slowly while placing the left hand on right shoulder and wrapping the right arm around the trunk, breathing normally, and rotating the head also in the same direction.
• Repeat the process by placing right hand on left shoulder and wrapping left arm around the trunk.
• Practice it at least five times.

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Preksha Yoga: Simhasana, Vajrasana and Supta Vajrasana


• Sit in Vajrasana posture with the knees apart, looking towards sun.
• Place the hands between the knees, palms on the floor and fingers pointing backward.
• Lean a little forward, putting the weight of the body on both the straightened hands.
• Tilt the head backward, open the mouth and stretch the tongue outside the mouth as maximum as possible.
• Keep the eyes open widely, gazing the eyebrow centre and while exhaling produce the sound AA. AA. AA….AA from the voice box.

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Preksha Yoga: Ushtrasana, Bhujangasana and Shalabhasana


• Kneel on the floor, keeping the thighs and feet a little apart, toes pointing back and resting on the floor.
• Rest the palms on the hips; stretch the thighs; curve the spine back and extend the ribs.
• Now exhale, place the right palm on the right heel and left palm over the left heel.
• Press the feet with palms, throw the head and neck backward.
• Keep the body weight on the arms.
• Remain in this position for about 30 seconds while keeping the breath normal.
• Release the hands one by one and return to kneeling position and then sit on the floor and relax.

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Preksha Yoga: Pawan Muktasana, Halasana and Matsyasana

Pawan Muktasana

• Lie down in supine position, legs fully stretched and hands by sides.
• Lift the legs a little off the ground and give them a twist towards right side “from the hips, while inhaling.
• Bring them back in straight line with the body, while exhaling.
• While inhaling fold the legs from knees and bring them towards head and trunk.
• Encircle both the knees by hands, lift the head and neck off the ground and place the nose between the knees, while inhaling.
• Hold the position for 10-15 seconds.
• Exhale and bring back the head and neck on the ground.
• Release the hands and stretch the legs and bring both of them on the ground.
• Repeat the process on the left side also.
• Do this exercise 2-3 times.

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Preksha Yoga: Paschimottanasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana and Naukasana


• Sit on the floor with legs stretched straight out in front of the body.
• Exhale and bend forward to catch the big toes with the fingers and thumb.
• Keep the knees stiff and lower the elbows downwards on either side of the knees.
• Hold the position for a few seconds.
• Breathe in and pull the trunk lower, toward the legs, slowly and very gently, without any excessive strain.
• Try to touch the knees with your forehead to complete the pose.
• Remain in the pose as long as you can easily and comfortably and then return to the basal sitting position.
• Relax and repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

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