Nature Cure: Gandhi’s Experience With Nature Cure

Mahatma Gandhi had a tryst with Nature-cure. He was its great protagonist. As we all know, Gandhi was a seeker for truth. For truth in anything, he first experienced it on his ownself, and when once convinced of an object’s truth, he stuck to it.

He had great faith in Nature-cure treatment. He not only practised it, but also wrote about it. He wrote many of his experiences in this respect in the Harijan, that he edited, as also other papers, which were later compiled and published in his book, THE NATURE-CURE.

The attributes of Gandhiji’s character were— Discipline, Principles and Moral Strength. He never compromised with his convictions. Once sure of the usefulness of Nature-cure treatment, he tried to practice it not only on himself and his wife, but other members of his family also, refusing all medical aid and insisting on self-treatment.

Gandhi, as he writes, had become a wreck physically due to the load of work of political life he carried. At one time he would be suffering from constipation and piles, at another by Asthma and still another, by Pluresy and so on.

In almost each time, as he writes, he was faced with death. His body had become a skeleton of bones when suffering from Pluresy, but he rejected medical advice, even at the risk of his life. No persuation of doctors, or his friends could bring him round.

He was not to compromise with his principles, that is, taking any medicine, a herb even, or an Ayurvedic compound. By undergoing a strict course of enema, mud-packs and bath, while being on complete fast, he cured himself completely.

With his experiments, he became almost an authority on Nature-cure, which he used even in treating and advising others.

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