Child Care: How to Treat Measles in Children?

Measles is an acute febrile eruption. It is a highly infectious disease and is very common among children. It is so common at this stage of life that nearly all chidren everywhere in the world go through this brief period of red spots. The disease appears in epidemics, often in the winter season, involving many children in the society.

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Child Care: How to Treat Chicken Pox in Children?

Chicken pox is a common infectious and highly contagious disease of children. It occurs more frequently in cooler weather. Children between the ages of five and nine are most commonly affected and account for 50 per cent of all cases. Other cases occur between the ages of one to four and 10 to 14 . Infants under six months seem to have some immunity against this disease. In most cases, the older the child, the more severe the attack.

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Child Care: How to Treat Meningitis in Children?

Meningitis is a severe inflammation of the meninges or inner lining of the brain andspinal cord. This may result from invasion of bacteria or virus into meninges. The infection usually spreads from the base of the brain up over the surface and down the spinal cord . It appears to reach the inside from the throat and nose via the bloodstream. It is perhaps the most serious of all the acute diseases of childhood.

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Child Care: How to Treat Impetigo in Children?

Impetigo is an extremely contagious skin infection. This is essentially a disease of childhood, though it may also occur frequently in adults. It is usually prevalent in infants and younger children following a cold. The infection can spread rapidly from one child to another by close contact, especially during the early years in schools. The disease is more common in the areas with unhygenic conditions.

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Child Care: How to Treat Scabies in Children?

Scabies is a skin infection, popularly known as itch. It is caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei or itch-mite. It is a contagious disease and is more common among people who live in crowded places under unhygienic conditions. The incidence of scabies is highest in children under the age of 15 years.

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Child Care: How to Treat Head Lice in Children?

Lice, known as Pediculus Humanus in medical parlance, are tiny, flat, wingless insects which often find their way into the scalp as parasites. They suck the blood by biting the skin. This results in an irritation which, in chronic cases, caues thickening and pigmentation of the skin. Head lice occurs more frequently in children than in adults.

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