Neem Therapy: Neem in the Classics of Ayurveda – Shodala

1. In kushta.

Taking the water in which the powder of one hundred leaves of neem is mixed daily and doing so for a total duration of six month will destroy even extreme cases of decadent leprosy (galita kushta) viz advanced and incurable leprosy in which fingers and toes have started falling of.

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Neem Therapy: Few More Relatives of Neem

As noted in the very beginning, apart from bakayan, there are quite a few other plants coming under the same family of neem viz Meliaceae that are of considerable medicinal importance. Inpopular language some of them also get a name of being a “variety” of neem; for instance, Chukrassia tabularis Juss is also called Hill-neem konda vepa in Telugu and the neem from Madagiri, madagiri bavu in Kannada. Of these, discussing rohitaka is of great interest from many points of view, as shown below, at the end.

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Neem Therapy: Neem Mahanimba or Bakayan – References from the Classics

(a) Shodala

1. In gridhrasi (sciatica, a neuritis of the great sciatic nerve that passes down the back of the thigh) or, rheumatism affecting the loins.

A kalka or paste prepared out of mahanimba and jata (i.e. jatamansi Nardostachys jatamansi DC) destroys this ailment.

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Neem Therapy: Few More Relatives of Neem – Naregamla

Naregamla is probably from a regional Indian language name, naringa.

This plant does not seem to have any name in either Sanskrit or Hindi. In English it is called Goanese or Country Ipecacuanha. In Marathi, this is tinpani, pittvel or kapur bhendi, in Goanese, trifolio (the three leaved); in Kannada and Tamil, nela naringa; in Malayalam, nelanarakanx in Konkani, bhuinaringa.

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Neem Therapy: Few More Relatives of Neem – Aglaia Roxburghlana Mig

Sanskrit authors call this priyangu though by the same name they also call two other plants Setaria italica Beauv a food grain which is kagun in Hindi and Callicarpa macrophylla vahl {phul priyangu in Hindi). Agalaia roxb rghiana Miq: is a tree and is called priyangu in Hindi and also Bengali.

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Neem Therapy: Few More Relatives of Neem – Soymida febrifuga (making fever, run away), A Juss

Ayurveda knows this plant as rohini (the healer), mamsa rohini (healing the injured flesh) and charmankasa (used in tanning the leather) or charmakan (causing, fresh skin), as Bhava Prakasha calls it. Its speciality of action is that it helps quick regeneration of the tissues so that the process of healing is hastened up.

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