Diet Cure: Treatment Chart for Cancer

I. Raw juice diet for three to five days. Take a glass of fresh fruit or vegetable juice, diluted with water on 50:50 basis, every two hours. Use warm-water enema daily during this period.

II. An all-fruit diet for further three to five days, taking three meals a day of fresh juicy fruits at five-hourly intervals.

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Diet Cure: Dietary Treatment for Cataract

Cataract is a most stubborn condition to deal with. If it has become deep-seated, nothing short of a surgical operation will help in overcoming the trouble. If, however, the cataract is in the early stages, there are good chances of getting over the ailment by natural means. Even advanced cases can be prevented from becoming worse.

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Diet Cure: Dietary Treatment for Cholera

Before the onset of dehydration, the treatment should aim at combating the loss of fluids and salts from the body. To allay thirst, the patient should sip water, soda water or green coconut water. Even these may be thrown out by vomiting. Therefore only small quantities of water should be given repeatedly, as these may remain for sometime within the stomach, and a stay of every one minute means some absorption..;p

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Diet Cure: Symptoms and Causes of Cholera

Cholera is an acute inflammatory disorder of the intestines, caused by bacteria. It is a serious infection, involving the lower part of the small bowel. It is a water-borne disease and is common during monsoon. The disease is predominant in endemic areas like India and other countries of South east and Mid east Asia.

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Diet Cure: Dietary Treatment for Cirrhosis of the Liver

The patient should be kept in bed. He must abstain completely from alcohol in any form. He should undergo an initial liver cleaning programme with a juice fast for seven days. Freshly-extracted juices from red beets, lemon, papaya and grapes may be taken during this period. This may be followed by the fruit and milk diet for two to three weeks.

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Diet Cure: Symptoms and Causes of Cirrhosis of the Liver

Cirrhosis of the liver refers to all forms of liver disease characterised by a significant loss of cells. It is one of the most serious hepatic diseases. The liver gradually contracts in size and becomes hard and leathery.

The liver is one of the most important glandular organs in the body. It is located high up on the right side of the abdomen just under the diaphragm. It is a vast chemical laboratory which performs many important functions. It produces bile, cholesterol, lecithin, blood albumin which is vital to the removal of tissue wastes, prothrombin necessary for the clotting of blood and numerous enzymes.

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Diet Cure: Treatment Chart for Cholera

I. Water, soda water or green coconut water should be sipped to compensate for loss of fluids. Ice may be sucked to reduce temperature and prevent vomiting. Intravenous infusions of saline solution in case of dehydration.

II. Green coconut water, barley water and buttermilk may be given after the acute stage. Softened rice mixed with curd may be given after progress towards recovery. More liquid and bland foods may be introduced gradually.

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Diet Cure: Symptoms and Causes of Colitis

Chronic ulcerative colitis is a severe prolonged inflammation of the colon or large bowel in which ulcers form on the walls of the colon. In severe cases, ulceration leads to bleeding and the patient passes bloody stools with pus and mucus. The disease results from prolonged irritation of the delicate membrane which lines the walls of the colon. It affects all age groups from very young children to the elderly.

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