Modern Medicine: Treatment for Jaundice

In healthy state, bile is expelled to the duodenum during the process of digestion and is again absorbed. Butt, when excess of bile circulates in the blood, it gives rise to yellow colour (tint) in the eyes, nales, skin, renders urine deep yellow in colour, with passage of white stools. Prominent symptoms of jaundice can be listed as bitter taste in the mouth, slow pulse, extreme debility and exhaustion, either diarrhoea or constipation, pain in liver region. When you see some person having the said symptoms you can immediately make out that he is suffering from jaundice.

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Modern Medicine: Treatment for Piles (Hemorrhoids)

Piles is found in two forms – when there is no bleeding but pain is severe and unbearable and whole rectum smarts, aches due to painful passage of hard, dry and knotty stools. Another form is of bleeding piles when there is much oozing of blood from the rectum and there are grape-like boils in and around the anus. The eruptions look like bunch of small grapes.

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Modern Medicine: Treatment for Cancer of Stomach

This is a fatal disease but can be contained, to,some extent, if detected at the initial stage. Sometimes even the patient also neglects this disease because symptoms are not that glaring or disturbing but, when the actual malady is detected at later stage, it is too difficult to cure.

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Modern Medicine: Treatment for Worms Infestation

There is hardly any person (of any age or sex) who had never had worm infestations, rather it would be more correct to say that almost every person carries worms in the intestines. This a major public health problem and the number of such infected persons is on the rise. Worm infection is present to the extent of 90% in the residents of tropical countries, like India, where standard of personal and general hygiene is apallingly low and the underlying cause is an impure and contaminated water supply, unhealthy environments, and socio-economic status. The position is still worse in other Asian & African countries where hygienic standards are still poorer.

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Modern Medicine: Treatment for Bronchitis (Acute and Chronic)

Bronchitis is an inflammation of such portions of the airtube that ramify within the lungs. When only the larger tubes are affected, it is called ‘bronchitis’ but, when finer branches are affected, it is called ‘broncho-pneumonia” or ‘capillary bronchitis’. The last variety is far more dangerous than the former one. In either case, the disease must not be handled by a layman, for the simple reason that the latter may even prove fatal.

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Modern Medicine: Treatment for Catarrh

Excessive secretion of thick mucus or phlegm by the mucus membrance of the nose, nasopharynx or air passages. Here the mucus is generally yellow / pale, adheres to nostrils, is difficult to detach, gives foul smell and, if removed forcibly, there may be bleeding even. In chronic stage there is pain at the root of those, fever, headache, pain over the eyes/eye brows, feeling of out of sorts and severe aching over entire body.

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Modern Medicine: Treatment for Common Cold, Coryza

All disorders of respiratory tract are not diseases or disorders but merely symptoms where precipitating cause lies somewhere else. First of all cold enters through nose and affects nasal passages, throat, larynx/pharynx lungs and finer air passages. If Cold is Controlled at the outset, rest of the symptoms may not develop or, if at all they surface, their intensity and virulence is quite easily manageable, without leaving any trace or room for any serious melady.

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Modern Medicine: Treatment for Asthma

It is one of the most agonising and exhausting diseases which torment the sufferer for a lengthy period of life. Its onset is generally in the childhood and occurs more in atopic patients, i.e. who are sensitive to certain allergens. It is caused by hypersensitivity to a particular ingredient, or weather condition and the list is quite lengthy to spell out. Generally, multiple allergens are the culprits and, thus, a single allergen cannot be held responsible for onset of disease.

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Modern Medicine: Treatment to Control Respiratory Infection

Bronchial irritation must be reduced to the minimum possible level. If cigarette smoking is the cause, the patient must be advised to stop smoking, once forever. Change of job or occupation may have also to be advised if smoke-filled and dusty atmosphere be the cause, though it may not be possible due to various family and social factors and compulsions. Other causes and irritants should also be located and eliminated. Major emphasis should be laid on elimination of basic contributory cause, without which even the best suited treatment is not likely to show any favourable outcome.

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Modern Medicine: Treatment for Broncho-Pneumonia

It is also called lobular, capillary bronchitis or Capillary pneumonia. Edwards is ofthe view that “Clinically (i.e. Broncho-Pneumonia) is identical with capillary bronchitis, which, if it occurs in the first yeats of life, never spares the lung tissue; it is marked by fever, cough, dyspnoea and cyanosis, which may often co-exist without obvious signs of hepatisation.”

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