Aromatherapy: Introduction to Individual Oils

There are many different oils available through commercial purchase and home manufacture. Different practitioners of the fragrance arts may favor varying scents in different applications. Some are more widely used for healing applications, and some are more commonly employed in magickal pursuits. In any case, it should be remembered that there is more than one way to arrive at the desired results.

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Aromatherapy: Aromatic Substances

Aromatic substances—herbs, plants, and essential oils— work on the non-physical self via different avenues. The deepest, most ingrained level of response is that of instinct. Nature has gifted all animals, humans and other species, with an instinct for survival. One of the keys to unleash this natural function is scent. Whether survival translates as the continuation of the individual life or the propagation of the race, there is a specific aroma-response system at work that serves as a catalyst to awaken the inborn facility. During the courting or arousal stages of sexual activity, hormones (in this case, pheromones) are secreted to accompany the ritual. A reaction to the scent of the natural aromas helps build the emotional state to a crescendo and the physical act of sexual congress to consummation. Essential oil blends can be produced to emulate the fragrance of natural hormones. On a therapeutic level, such remedies can be used to minister to frigidity and impotence. On a magickal level, we have the development of the well-known love oils or love potions that enrich the folklore and folk practices of many cultures throughout the world.

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Aromatherapy: Aromatic Sense

It cannot be stressed enough how the approach to aromatherapy is all important. Whether there is a leaning toward the healing applications of the art or to the magickal aspects, or to both, the approach may well determine the ultimate success or failure of the endeavor.

Many practicing aromatherapists work by instinct alone. For many, with a background of extensive study, research, and experimentation, the instincts can take over and do an admirable job of guiding the practice of the art. In watching the seasoned experts work, it is fascinating to see the overwhelming light of creativity and inspiration that go into the final production of an essential oil blend. It becomes clearly understandable why this ancient practice, while full of the trappings of the scientific pursuits, remains very much an art form, as well.

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Aromatherapy: Properties of Amber Oil

Description: A hard, translucent yellow, orange, or brown resin often used for jewelry. This natural substance does not occur in oil form, nor can a true essential oil be pressed from the natural resin. The amber oils generally available are composed of other natural oils, often with some crushed amber added.

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