Diet Cure: Symptoms and Causes of Low Blood Pressure

Low Blood Pressure or hypotension, as it is known in medical parlance, refers to the fall in blood pressure below the normal.

It is a condition in which the action of the heart in forcing the blood through the arteries is weak. This is a direct outcome of a weakened and devitalised condition of the system.

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Diet Cure: Symptoms and Causes of Low Blood Sugar

Low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, to give it a proper medical term, is a disorder of blood sugar metabolism. It is a condition in which the penance produce excessive insulin, causing the blood sugar to drop. This may result in diabetes in later life.

Hypoglycemia sometimes occurs in healthy people some hours after a meal rich in carbohydrates, especially following muscular exertion. It is frequently found in the first few days of life, especially in premature infants.

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Diet Cure: Treatment Chart for Low Blood Pressure


Beet juice is beneficial in Low Blood Pressure

I. An all-fruit diet for 5 days, with three meals a day of fresh juicy fruits at five-hourly intervals. Use warm water enema daily during this period.

II. Fruit and milk for further two weeks, adding milk to each fruit meal.

III. Thereafter, adopt the following diet:

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Diet Cure: Dietary Treatment for Low Blood Sugar

The high animal protein diet generally prescribed for hypoglycemia is not suitable for this disorder. It may help control the condition temporarily, but it is harmful in many other respects. Continuous intake of high protein diet may lead to other disease like heart trouble, arthritis, kidney problem and cancer.

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Diet Cure: Symptoms and Causes of Malaria

Malaria is one of the intermittet fevers. It has a tendency to return again and again to haunt the sufferers. It is a serious infections disease.

The world malaria comes from the Italian ma’a aria, meaning bad air. It was once supposed to be caused by bad air. It is one of the most widespread diseases in the world, especially in tropical and subtropical regions.

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Diet Cure: Treatment Chart for Malaria


I. A fast on orange juice for 5 to 10 days. During this period, take orange juice diluted with water every two hours during the day and cleans the bowels daily with warm water enema.

II. All-fruit diet for further three days, with three meals a day of fresh juicy fruits at five-hourly intervals.

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Diet Cure: Treatment Chart for Migraine


I. Take carrot and orange juice diluted with water on 50:50 for three days and cleanse the bowels daily with warm water enema this period.

II. An all-fruit diet for further three days, with three meals a day at five hourly intervals.

III. Thereafter, gradually adopt a well-balanced diet on the following lines:

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