Preksha Yoga: Preksha Yoga to Treat Hernia

Hernia is the protrusion of an organ or part of an organ through a membrane or cavity wall, usually the abdominal cavity. It happens due to natural weakness of the muscles holding the organs in their original positions. It occurs both in males and females. Most commonly occurring hernias are of 3 types.

Types of Hernia

Inguinal hernia: In this type of hernia, in the groin region the testes descends into the scrotum through the narrow passage of inguinal canal. Most of the times this occurs before birth. Due to pushing down of the hernial contents into the scrotum it enlarges and becomes difficult to distinguish from the swelling of the testes or scrotum, which occurs in the condition of hydrocoele. This is most common external hernia, covering the total of 70% and is very common in men.

Umbilical hernia: This is another commonly occurring hernia, accounting for 8-10%, mostly coccurs at birth or in infancy. It may also occur in an obese person or in a person with weak abdomen in the middle age. In this hernia, the hernial sac bulges out through the umbilicus, which is the place of weak abdominal muscle.

Femoral hernia: This type of hernia is found mostly in women and it accounts for 20% of the hernias. In this the abdominal contents move into the front of the thigh through an opening which carries the femoral artery into the leg. This artery supplies the blood to the leg.

Causative Factors

Several factors are responsible for the pathological state of hernia, which may be classified as follows:

(i) Congenital weakness or the developmental defect in the abdominal muscles or ligaments, which produces hernia in the early childhood.

(ii) In the young men or women a sudden jerk while lifting any heavy item without proper precaution may result in tearing the muscles and ligaments, which ultimately produces hernia.

(iii) In the situation where the intra-abdominal pressure is elevated, it may cause hernia. In the old age, due to enlarged prostate, obstruction in urine passage; continuous coughing in smokers; and strainful defecation due to constipation are few examples that produce hernia due to raised intraabdominal pressure.

(iv) Sedentary life style, lack of adequate physical exercise, causing flabbiness of the abdominal muscles, obesity and habitual overeating may also cause hernia. In such conditions abdominal wall loses its tone and abdominal organs begin to sag. The whole abdomen protrudes markedly.

(v) In the women pregnancy and child birth also cause hernia due to increased abdominal pressure in these conditions.

Preksha — Yoga management

Shat kriyas – Neti kriya, Laghu Shankh Prakshalan once a week (as required)
Yogic exercises – Of thorax, abdomen, waist and legs
Asana – Pawan muktasana, Uttanpadasana, Sarvangasana, Paschimottanasana, Matsyasana, Vajrasana, Shashank-asana, Ushtrasana
Mudra and bandh – Ashwini mudra, Vajroli mudra, Mool bandh
Pranayama – Bhramari; Bhastrika with antar kumbhak; Anulom-Viloma without kumbhak
Kayostsarya – 30 minutes daily
Preksha – Perception of abdominal muscles, intestine, rectum, rectal muscles and anal canal
Anupreksha – Contemplation for strengthening of abdominal muscles

One thought on “Preksha Yoga: Preksha Yoga to Treat Hernia”

  1. i am suffering from inguinal hernia in the groin region.can i get a full weekly routine that should be practiced to rectify the problem of hernia and also strenthen my abdominal muscles to prevent any recuurence.

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