First-Aid: Fracture of Bones of the Foot, Injuries of the Joints and Sprains


This is due to direct crushing by heavy objects. The condition is diagnosed by the following features.

1. There is pain in the foot increased by movement.
2. Loss of movement.
3. There is an inability to walk properly.
4. Swelling and bruising are seen at the site of the fracture.
5. Tenderness is present at the site of the fracture.
6. Deformity may be present, e.g. irregularity of the bony arch of the foot.


1. Place the victim down in supine position.
2. Gently remove footwear.
3. Control bleeding, if any.
4. Dress wounds, if any.
5. Place a splint on the sole of the foot with adequate padding. Secure is with a figure of eight bandage.
6. Raise and support the injured foot.


A joint is the junction of two or more bones. Types of Joints

Movable. Two or more bones are held together by means of ligaments, muscles, and tendons. Movement is possible between bones. Three kinds of movable joints are ball and socket joints, hinge joints, and joints with limited movements.

Immovable. In immovable joints the bones are permanently fixed to each other. Movement is not possible between the bones. Chances of sprain or dislocation is minimal.

Ball and socket. The round head of one bone fits in cup-shaped cavity of another bone. Movement is possible in several planes and directions. Examples are shoulder and hip joints.

Hinge. Movement is possible only in one plane, e.g. elbow and knee joints.

Joints with limited movements. Only limited degree of movement is possible between bones forming the joint, e.g. wrist joint, intervertebral joints and joints of ribs and vertebrae.

Ligaments are tough fibrous structures that bind bones to one another at joints. The remaining part of a joint is covered by fibrous joint capsule. The ends of bones forming the joint are covered by smooth articular cartilage. The joint cavity is lined by smooth membrane (synovial membrane) and filled with lubricating fluid (synovial fluid).


Sprain is an injury to the ligament(s) and the joint capsule. It is due to sudden movement or twisting of the part involving joint. Ankle is the most commonly sprained joint. The condition is diagnosed by the following features.

1. There is severe pain locally, aggravated by movement at the joint.
2. Bruising and swelling are present around the joint.
3. Local tenderness is present.

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