Eye Care: Anti-Infective Eye Drops Preparations

Here I have discussed some name, indications, control indications for the benefit of readers, but do not use without the advice of an expert.


These are commonly used to treat trachoma, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, iritis, corneal ulcer, ophthalmia of the new-born, injury of eyes, as prophylaxis of ocular infections after injuries/ burns, pre/post operation surgery.

Contra-indications : Hypersensitivity.
Special Precautions : Do not touch dropper/tip and discontinue use if irritation persists.
Dosage : 1-2 drops, 3-4 times daily.
Brands : Albucid, Optisol, Phenosulf, Sulfaren, Locula, Chlormide, Andremide, Bleph Syncula, Zinco-Sulpha, Stride, Cellumide eye drops etc.


Indications : Keratitis, conjunctivits, corneal ulcers, prevention of ocular infections, after damage from physical/chemical agents before/after surgery.
(Note: These drops are also used in various ear infections also).
Contra-indications and Precautions : As detailed above.
Dosage : 1-2 drops every 15-30 minutes in acute infections, 1-2 drops 2-6 times daily, in moderate infection, acute/chronic trachoma—2 drops in each eye 2-4 times daily.
Not recommended for Paediatrics, pregnancy, and lactation. Use with utmost caution in the elderly patients.
Brands : Alflox, Euflox, Eyflox, Norbactin, Norbid, Norflox, (ointment also), Norquin, Norzen eye drops.


Indications : Acute/subacute conjunctivitis, mucopurutent conjunctivitis, blepharitis conjunctivitis, blepharitis, bacterial corneal ulcer, preoperative prophylaxis in ocular surgery, treatment of pre/post operative infections.
Dosage : 1 -2 drops in the affected eyes (4 hourly).
Contra-indications : Hypersensitivity.
Side-effects : Mild, temporary smarting sensation and conjunctival congestions.
Use with caution in the case of elderly, infants, children, lactating/pregnant ladies.
Brands : Adiflox, Bekacin-E, Cifran, Ceplox, (also ointment), Ceprobix, Conflox, Flocy, Floxigard, G’Flox, Quinbact, Quintor, Zoptic, Zoxan eye drops.


Indications : External bacterial infection of the eye and eyelid. Pre/post operative use.
Dosage : 1-3, drops 3-4 times daily.
Contra-indications and special Precautions, and side effects: As mentioned earlier.
Brands : Andregen, Bactigen, Garamycin, Garasol, Genbiotic, and other brands Gentamycin (ointment).
Gentamide, Gentasporin, Genticine, Geatyric, Geffree, Lyramycin, Merigenta, Reflobacin eye drops.


Indications : Irritation, bacterial conjunctivitis, trachoma, ocular infections, corneal ulcer.
Contra-indications : Pregnancy, hypersensitivity.
Side-effects : Irritation, hypersensitivity reactions.
Special Precautions : Possibility of hazard of aplastic anemia should be borne in mind, (though rare chances of occurrence).
Discontinue its use if some allergic reactions surface.
Dosage : Instil 1-2 drops in the affected eye after 3-6 hours.
Brands : Andrecin, Chlorocol, Chloromycetin (Applicaps), Enteromycin, Kemicetine, Metamycin, Mycin, Ocular, optomycetin, Paraxin soflicaps, (also ointment), Vanycetin, (opticops).
Note : As for soflicaps squeeze the soflicap into lower conjunctival sac 2-3 times daily, and ointment should also be used 2-3 times. In case of opticops, cut the tapering of opticop and squeeze out the ointment over the surface of the affected eye. Patients may feel some haziness but the same usually disappears within short time after use.

It is indicated in fungal infections of the eye. Discontinue use if there is hypersensitivity to the ingredient, drug toxicity safety if pregnancy is not established, hence use with care.
Dosage : Apply 4-5 times daily or as directed by the physician.
Brand : Micoptic.
Indications : Allergy and inflammation.
Contra-indications : Fungal infections, glaucoma, viral, tuberculous or parulent infections. Hypersensitivity to the ingredient.
Caution : Continuous use may result in glaucoma, cataract, fungal infections, preforation. Do not use in pregnancy and for children.
Side-effects : Headache, transient irritation, perforation, raised intraocular pressure.
Dosage : 1-2 drops into the affected eye(s) 1-2 hours or as directed.
Brands : Allocort, Artisolon, Atroclilor-D, Atrocin, Belldionce Resolvent, Bell solvent, Bellmy cetin, Betnesol (Eye), BetnesolN, Betno-Eye, Calodin, Catton, Cato-Bell, Chloransone, Chloro Col-D. Chlorocort applicaps, Cortecyclin, Cortato-M, DecdanEye, Decol-C/N, Decour, Dexosyn-N/c, Genticyn, lnmecin, Lodex, Minidex, Mycidex, Pino-Cort, Pyricort Pysimon, Sofra cort, Solodex, Solodex-J, Sulpha-PH, Lodex.

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