Eye Care: How to Improve Eye-Sight

This situation can be met by two-ways—either to keep up and maintain normal and good sight, and/or to improve the weak eyesight. If you want to keep your eye-sight in good order, must follow the under mentioned points:

□ Do not read under candle, moon, sparkling and glaring light.

□ Keep sufficient distance (say 12″-18″) between eyes and the book.

□ Do not read while you are lying in reclined position, lying on one side, head-down, sitting in a sofa.

□ Do not read very fine print nor do any job where close application of vision is demanded.

□ Do not study or work at stretch, rather provide sufficient rest to your eyes by resolving to temporary deviation.

□ Do not use too hot or o water—use fresh tepid water/ lukewarm water.

□ Remove constipation as per methods indicated earlier.

□ Maintain high standard of eye-care/hygiene.

□ Walk on dew-drenched green grass in the morning and have long evening walks.

As for medicines mix equal quantity of Aniseed and dry Coriander and pound to fine-powder form and mix equal quantity of (pounded) sugar candy. Take a tsp each in the morning and evening, preferably with cow’s milk.

□ Take seven peeled almond kernels and seven black peppers and pound in water, mix sugar candy and consume.

□ After lunch and dinner munch/chew a tsp of aniseed as a routine practice.

□ Golden sugar (Desi Khand), Desi Ghee 1 tsp, 7 Black-pepper, 7 almonds/peeled or unpeeled. Heat the ghee on low flame and then remove from fire; mix the other ingredients and take once daily, followed by a glassful of hot milk. Note: Persons with hypersensitive bowels, should reduce the quantity to V3 or Vx.

□ Take milk and milk products.

□ Make green and leafy vegetables, fruit juices, salads, a regular part of diet. If you are not wearing glasses you can delay use thereof, if you resort to anyone or more of the medicinal methods, detailed above. If you are already using the glasses, you may have your eye-sight improved and the time may come when you may be able to do without glasses, provided there are no other problems.

□ 6 drops of Shadabindu Tail may be dropped into each nostril daily. It will also relieve nasal congestion, migraine or hemicrania and also improve eye-sight.

□ Saptamrita lauha (100 mg-200 mg) with honey, may be taken in the morning and evening.

□ Chronic Trachoma is an established cause for causing blindness, hence treat this disorder without delay.


Eat only raw carrots in season. Carrots should not be fried, washed repeatedly, rather eaten with other raw vegetables, salads, boiled in milk as, by so doing, it will lose its nutritional value.

Beta Carotine is found abundantly in carrot and is an essential ingredient for better eye-health. If it is not possible to chew carrots, its extracted juice should be used. Those who habitually consume raw carrot during season get rarely infected by any eye problem. If carrots are baked in steam or roasted, their beta-carotine content will rise about 3 times. Even half a cup of carrot juice will provide 12,500 I.U. of carotine. Carrot is also replete with Vitamin ‘C content.

Carrot dissipates infections and diseases, nurtures body to keep it free from disease, keeps cholesterol within normal range, retard (and repel) cancerous growths. It is rightly called a poorman’s apple but in certain respects, it exceeds the nutritional values of apple.

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