Reiki Healing: Reiki Attunments for Opening Up Chakras

Centring Meditation

Reiki attunements help in opening up of Chakras. Continuous Reiki treatment helps in improving intuition. If we focus our consciousness on hara or chi centre, which the Chinese call the emotional chakra, the opposite polarity chakra located in the third eye becomes balanced. When we bring the centre of our attention (i.e. the focus of our conscious awareness) into the belly chakra, we begin to connect with our true feelings. The centring meditation helps us to be centred in hara, and we open up to the intuitive faculties located in the third eye chakra.

The process involved is quite simple: Sit in a comfortable position on the floor with legs folded and keep your back and neck straight. Start taking long and deep breaths. Observe your breathing process. Visualize a golden ball floating above your Crown chakra. This golden ball is your conscious awareness. Continue to take long deep breaths. Inhale deeply and while exhaling, begin to see the golden ball float down through the top of your head into the Crown chakra. Visualize this golden ball merging with the violet colour spreading throughout your head region. Crown chakra is helpful in spiritual uplift. Feel that your spiritual Crown chakra is opening up, as it connects you to the universe.

Continue to take long and deep breaths. While exhaling, visualize the Golden ball separating from the violet colour of the Crown chakra and float slowly down to the Ajna chakra. Visualize the golden colour mixing with the indigo colour of the Ajna Chakra and this mixed colour spreading throughout that region. Ajna chakra helps to improve your intuition, clairvoyance. Feel that your intuitive powers, telepathy, power of clairvoyance are increasing. Continue to take long deep breaths.

Take a long, deep breath. While exhaling, visualize the golden ball separating from the Ajna chakra and floating down to the throat chakra. Vishuddha chakra’s colour is light blue. Visualize the golden colour mixing with the blue colour and this mixed colour spreading throughout the throat region. This chakra helps us in communication. Feel that your communicative power is increasing. Continue to take long, deep breaths.

Take a long, deep breath. While exhaling, visualize the golden ball, separating from Vishuddha chakra and floating down to Anahata chakra. Anahata chakra is green in colour. Visualize the golden colour mixing with the green colour and spreading throughout your chest region filling your heart with the consciousness of your love. Continue breathing, as you inhale, feel the breath fill your heart with the light and energy of love, and radiating the energy of your love to all those around you. Continue to breathe slowly.

Take a long, deep breath. While exhaling, visualize the golden ball separating from Anahata chakra and floating down to the solar plexus. Visualize this golden colour mixing with the bright yellow colour of Manipura chakra and spreading throughout your solar plexus region. Feel the light and the warmth of your own power and wisdom. Manipura chakra contains all the negative emotions like anger, jealousy, fear etc. Visualize all these negative emotions burning in this yellow coloured fire. Visualize filling your chakra with positive emotions. Continue to take long, deep breaths.

Take a long, deep breath. As you exhale, visualize the golden ball separating from your Manipura chakra and floating down to the Swadhisthana chakra. Visualize this golden colour mixing with the orange colour of this chakra and spreading throughout your belly region. This is creative chakra. Feel that your creativity is increasing. Keep on breathing to your belly. Feel the peace and tranquillity. Continue to take deep, long breaths.

Take one more long breath. As you exhale, visualize the golden ball separating from Swadhisthana chakra and floating down to the Root chakra or Kundalini. Visualize the golden colour mixing with the red colour of the Root chakra and this mixed colour spreading throughout your pelvic region. Feel that your pelvic region is filling you with an overflowing abundance. Keep breathing. With every breath, feel the energy of prosperity and abundance fill your entire body.

Take a long, deep breath. As you exhale, feel the golden ball separating from your Root chakra and gently floating upwards and going back to your Hara or Swadhisthana. Continue to take long, deep breaths. As you inhale, feel the orange yellow light fill your entire body. Feel more fully grounded at the centre. Feel tranquil and totally at peace. This is the place for your higher consciousness to be centred. As you relax in this calmness, slowly begin to open your eyes and again become aware of your environment.

This meditation or exercise is designed to help you develop the feeling of being centred. As you move through each chakra, you may feel resistance at specific chakras, to the movement of your consciousness between them. If you feel blocked, you can exhale several times to remove those blockages.

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