Modern Medicine: Causes of Infection

According to allopathic theory disease is caused by bacterial/virus infection. Harrison had defined and described bacteria as follows:

“It is a group of micro-organisms all of which lack distinct nuclear membrane and hence are considered more primitive than animal and plant cells and have a cell wall of unique composition (many antibiotics act by distorting the bacterial wall). Most bacteria are unicellular, the cells may be spherical (coccus), rodlike (Bacillus), spiral (e.g; spirillum), commonshaped (vibrio) or corkscrew-shaped (spirochete). Generally they range in size between 0.5 and 5mm(?).

Bacteria reproduces asexually simple division of cells Bacteria are widely distributed. Some live in soil, water or air, others are parasites of man, animals and plants, Many parasites/bacteria do not harm their hosts, some cause diseases by producing poison (exotoxin, endotoxin). “(Science of bactcrea is called Bacteriology whereas ‘Microbiology’ , in relation to medicine, is concerned mainly with the isolation and identification of the micro organism that cause disease).

Virus:- “It is a minute particle that is capable of replication, but only within living cells. Viruses arc too small to be visible with a light microscope and too small to be trapped by filters. They infect animals, plants and micro-organisms. Each consists of a core of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA ) surrounded by a protein shell. Viruses cause many diseases, including the common cold, influenza, measles, mumps, chickenpox, herpes, polio, rabies, and small box. Antibodies are ineffective against them but many viral diseases are controlled by means of vaccines.” (Harrison).

Other causatives of disease:-

Majority of diseases are caused by viral and bacterial infections but, apart from that, following factors are held liable to causing and contributing to onset and progression of diseases, such as:

1. Unsuitable ingestion of food and indiscreet relaxation in diet.
2. Overeating or undereating
3. Lack of Physical activity, even after overeating.
4. Excessive physical activity with far less intake of Nutritional food.
5. Absence/lack of coordination and proportion between food -intake and physical activity.
6. Indolence, passivity and obesity.
7. Some chronic or wasting diseases.
8. Stress, anxiety, tension and other mental upsets.
9. Abstinence or over-indulgence in sex.
10. Climatic (sudden) changes and exposures.
11. Air, water. Noise and environmental pollution.
12. Genetic factors.
13. Personal life style and habits.
14. Drug or /and alcohol addiction or dependence.
15. Financial problems /loss of Job.
16. Social and family related problems.
17. Suppression of faeces, urine and sweat elc.
18. Personal inhibitions, social restrictions, taboos where free ventillation of mental reservations becomes a problem.

Most of the causes, if not all, are easily manageable by the affected person, as the doctor can do very little in this respect . Change in life style, thinking process ,sense of compromise, amity and good will, positive approach, and optimistic outlook can solve majority of the problems, provided there is an honest effort and will to solve the riddle/problems. Remember, no medicine, on earth, can ever reform or improve any person if he is devoid of a positive approach and is not determined to reform himself. A doctor can only help to induce, motivate, guide and consul but must not be expected to do what a patient is himself expected to do.

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