Acupressure: Finding the Root Cause of the Disease

Before treating any disease, the root cause must be found and removed :

(1) First, check up whether the Solar Plexus is in order or not. If it is not in order, please get it in order.
(2) Secondly, see that the nervous system passing through the spinal cord is in order.

This can be checked as under :

Lie down on the stomach. Keep the arms straight on sides. In the lower lumbar, you will observe two shallow round depressions on both sides of the spine as shown in the fig. If this is the case, the problem in the body is not due to the nervous system connected with the spinal cord. If you find such depression only on the right side, then the problem is on the left side and connected with the spinal cord.

Similarly, if the depression is only on the left side, there is some problem with the right side, connected with the spinal cord. The sciatic nerve, quarter inch thick which starts from the brain goes all the way down to the lower lumbar and then is divided into two. It then, reaches the heels and the toes. The whole nervous system is connected with this sciatic nerve which gets the protection of the spinal vertebrae. Now if, for any reason, there is pressure on any part of this sciatic nerve, the nervous system connected with that part is impaired and results in some problem or the other.

So, if you find that any of these two shallow depressions are not seen, check up the spinal cord. Run two fingers from the first cord of the vertebra and go on till the last. If you observe that some vertebra is lower, that is the root cause of the trouble, e.g. if Point No. 4 vertebrae is found lower, it can cause stammering. If Point Nos. 6 to 9 are not in order, it can cause pain in chest which sometimes is mistaken for heart attack. To put the vertebra in the proper position, rub it upwards by pressing from both the sides of the spinal cord as shown in the figure 83.

Secondly, give treatment on the point of the sciatic nerve shown in figs. 42 (a) and (b) of the feet. Thirdly, karate chops around those points on the spinal cord for 3 to 5 minutes will help to bring Fig. that vertebra in proper position.

There are thousands of names of diseases but all of them are connected with the malfunctioning of the organs and endocrine glands shown in figs. 39 and 40. Sometimes the root cause may be found in more than one organ e.g. in the case of bronchitis and asthma treatment is necessary on Points 1 to 7, 34 and 30 because the root causes of these diseases are cold and weakness of the lungs. With a little experience, you will be able to find out the points where it pains. And so, after recharging all the organs by pressing each palm or sole for five minutes daily, treatment is to be given only on those points where it pains.

Health Powder / Drink : In 300 grams of amla powder, add 100 grams of dried ginger powder. Mix them. Take one teaspoonful of this powder along with water in the morning and evening.

Otherwise, in 4 glasses of water add 2 tea spoonfuls of the above powder of amla and dried ginger (use fresh amla and ginger if available) and boil it and reduce it to 3 glasses. Filter the water and drink it during the day. If desired, honey can be added to it. This is good for growing children.

Amla is a concentrated vitamin ‘C. It has 16 times more vitamin ‘C than the lemon has. Such a drink will give protection to the body against cold and increase digestive power. It is of astringent taste and not sour.

People in the West take apple cider which is also beneficial. The health drink is beneficial to all, especially to the convalescing people, old people, expectant mothers and growing children.

Green Juice : Our body requires energy to function properly and to throw out toxins and diseases. This juice has all types of salts and minerals required by the body and this juice is easily digestible. Such green juice was given to patients of blood cancer, in which cases weight goes on reducing regularly. Even though green juice has very less calories, these patients gained weight from 2 to 4 kgs. per month just by drinking 3 to 4 cups of green juice per day. It is pure energy, (thicker the leaf, more is energy in it.) From experience, it has been found out that leaves of any non-poisonous plant/tree could be used.

To prepare such green juice, one can take :

Leaves of tandaljo/spinach, methi (fenugreek), cellery, lettuce, cabbage, green coriander, pudina (mint), tulsi (holy basil), even cucumber, radish, simla capsicum, wheat grass and sprouted cereals, etc. In short, use leaves of any nonpoisonous plant/tree and vegetables from which juice can be extracted. While preparing such green juice, add one amla when available in the season or add dry amla powder/dry ginger powder also, (amla has 16 times more Vitamin C than an equal size of lemon.)

In case, such green leaves are not available, dry leaves can be used. In that case, soak such dry leaves in water for two hours. Then throw away the water and extract juice.


Such green juice is PURE ENERGY. Those who desire to lose weight, should take 6 to 8 cups of such juice in a day + some fruits only. They can lose 7 to 10 kgs. of weight per month without any side effects. And those who desire to increase weight /height, should also drink 3 to 4 cups of such green juice but add one table spoon of honey to each cup.

It is possible that till toxins are cleared from bowels /intestines, one may get loose motions when they drink such green juice. Afterwards, such loose motions will automatically stop.

This green juice is a MUST for sick people, growing children, expectant mothers and old people. It has no side effects and can be taken by patients having kidney problems.

Such green juice will make you EVERGREEN.

Green Paste : While preparing such green juice paste/pulp will be available. Do not throw it. Add little turmeric powder and cream of milk to it and apply it on the face or any part having skin problem/even on white spots as a MASK. Take blue light on it for 6 to 8 minutes. After 15 minutes, wash with water, and see the wonderful result just in 15 days.

Copper/Silver/Gold and Iron charged water : It has been found that the following minerals are useful for treating diseases connected with the organs as shown below :
(1) Copper : Useful for all diseases and problems connected with the nervous system e.g. high B.P., arthritis, polio, tension and leprosy.
(2) Silver : Useful for diseases of the organs connected with digestive system and the urinary system.
(3) Gold : Useful for disorders of the breathing system, lungs, heart, brain and is a general tonic.
(4) Iron : Proper quantity of iron in blood is utmost necessary because they carry oxygen and supply it all over the body and thus increases stamina.

The charged water can be prepared as shown below :

Take a pot of Pyrex glass, if possible; otherwise take a copper vessel, if readily availabe. In that case copper is not to be included while boiling. Otherwise stainless steel vessel or even earthen pot can be used. Do not use Aluminium or brass vessel.

(1) Copper charged water : Put 60 grammes of pure copper plate / ingots / wire or 6 to 8 copper coins in 4 glasses of water and boil it.
(2) Silver charged water : Put 30 to 60 grammes of silver-pure bullion or pure coins (.999 purity) in 4 glasses of water and boil it. Do not use silver ornaments.
(3) Gold charged water : 15 to 30 grammes of gold pure bullion gold coin or ornaments (chain or bangles not enameled of 22 carat gold in 4 glasses of water and boil it).
(4) Iron charged water : (In case of deficiency of iron in blood, anaemia or during pregnancy) Put 60 grammes of unrusted piece of iron (nails, etc.) in 4 glasses of water and boil it.

All these metals can be put together in water, in the proportion of gold 15 to 20 grams /silver 30 grams/copper 60 grams/iron 60 grams. It should be borne in mind that all metals put in the water are thoroughly cleaned and do not contain any dust or rust.

Boil away 25% of water i.e. retain 3 out of 4 glasses of water after boiling. Filter this water, keep it in a thermos if possible and drink it lukewarm/hot during the day. Drinking of 1 glass of such water the first thing in the morning is very beneficial. When this water is reduced by 50 %, it becomes medicine-best antibiotic and is a MUST in treatment of all serious diseases. In acute cases, this water may be boiled down to 1 glass or even half a glass. When you drink such concentrated water (i.e. when more than 60% water is boiled away e.g. 3 glasses of charged water reduced from 8 glasses) avoid sour things like lemon, sour buttermilk, etc.

The charged water is found useful for good health. But it is a must for the treatment of any problems connected with the improper flow of the current of bio-electricity i.e. high B.P., polio, rheumatism, arthritis, paralysis, chronic diseases including cancer, etc. The use of concentrated gold charged water has given wonderful results in the case of mental retardation, muscular distrophy, T.B., heart attack, etc., and is a good brain tonic too.

Quantity : The above quantity is for all above 12 years. For children over 2 years 50 % of the quantity is to be given. For children below 2 years give only 1/4 quantity.

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