Nature Cure: Fevers – A Nature’s Revenge

An ailment or disease is but the Nature’s revenge over man’s neglect of his own health. But Mother Nature is a kind mother, too. A mother punishes or chastises her children for their faults, but to set them right. So too, Nature, when after long suppression of his faults in the body by man, takes to revolt, it almost turns violent and shows its wrath by causing fever, high temperature, hard breathing, perspiration, pain, swelling and all that we call by the name of ailment. But all this is her own way of treatment.

Nature brings all this suffering to cure man in its wake. In old days, a typhoid patient was given no medicine, except care and attention to ward off any complication. The patient was left, so to say, in the lap of Mother Nature herself to cure Her child, the patient and he got cured within the specific time (usually 21 days) allowed by Nature. Within that period the man’s body is purged of all impurities and his health is restored.

Likewise, a man suffering from small-pox was also left to the care of Nature, which for many of our mothers was as the Goddess that had visited their house. The members of the house would hail her advent and worship Her. No medicine was served and, barring any complication, the patient got cured by himself within the fixed period of two or three days.

Fever, is thus, a welcome sign. The above instances show the people’s faith in the curative potential of Nature, that takes away the fear element of fever. One should, rather, welcome fever as a blessing in disguise. Rest assured that, if left to itself and not suppressed by medicine, and rather assisted in its natural course, fever purges the body of its ailments in their entirety with an element of renewed energy.

Fever is a necessity too. We have heard many elder people tell us of some people, who never had any sickness in their lives, but when got sick, to such terrible extent, that they could not survive and died. One plausible reason for such happenings, would be that a person whom fever visits now and then, has his body purged of its ailment in the body, removed by the puritive action of frequent fevers, but the man, who never had any fever, or so, the foreign matter in his body goes on accumulating without its oxidation and removal by fever. Hence to such a man, when fever comes, it comes with violence, rather to purify the heavy lot of accumulated matter, which causes him his life sometimes.

Hence, it would not be wrong to say that fever is very much a necessity. After-all, what is this physical exercise that we are advised to take to keep our health going? It is an almost similar action that fever produces, that is, heat in the body, and when daily done, it keeps on oxidising the possible foreign matter in the body.

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