Homeopathy Medicines: Characteristics of Pyrogen, Rhus Tox, Ruta and Sabina


For all types of septic states (Puerperal, surgical, ptomaine or sewer gas infection), when blood is disorganised, heart becomes weak and muscles prostrated; when the best selected remedy fails to relieve. The bed feeis hard, the parts lain on feel braised. Great restlessness; must keep on moving to relieve the soreness.

Discharges horribly foul (menses, sweat, vomitus, body odour. Foul breath. Tongue large flabby, fiery red; Tongue clean and smooth as if varnished. Pulse abnormally rapid, out of proportion to temperature (A Keynote). Septic fever : Chill begins in the back, extremities, marks the beginning of septic fever (104 to 106 F) when the best selected remedy fails to relieve. Loquacity, and a sense of duality during fever.

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Homeopathy Medicines: Characteristics of Spigelia, Stannum, Staphysagria and Stramonium


Child : Stammering due to worms. Headache at sunrise, at its height at noon, declines till sunset. (Nat.m, Tab). The eye on the affected side often runs clear water. Headache is generally one-sided (left) (Right side : Sang., Sil). Left-sided neuralgias of head, face and eyes; Worse cold, rainy weather. Rheumatic affections of heart with stitching pains with palpitation violent, visible and audible; systolic blowing at apex. Valuable in chronic valvular affections after acute attacks of heart. Can only lie on the right side (Phos.,Nat.m.) or with head very high. Worse least motion.

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Homeopathy Medicines: Characteristics of Sulphur, Symphytum, Syphilinum and Tarentula Cubensis


When carefully selected remedies fail to produce a favourable effect; rouses the reactive powers, clears up the case in acute disease (Chronic disease: Psor). When complaints continually relapse. Everything (even rags) look beautiful if he takes a fancy. Standing is the worst position. Dirty people prone to skin affections (Psor). Lean stoop-shouldered who walks or sits stooped.

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Homeopathy Medicines: Characteristics of Tarentula Hispanica, Teucrium Marum, Tuberculinum and Vipera


Extreme restlessness; must be in constant motion though motion aggravates. Runs about rather than walk. Hysterical: Twitching and jerking as soon as attention is turned to her. Feigns fainting and insensibility. Sudden fox-like (cunning) destructive efforts requiring utmost vigilance to prevent damage; followed by laughter and apologies. Unusuallysensitive to music which ameliorates all complaints.

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