Herbal Remedies: Therapeutic Properties of Lavender

The essential oils in Lavender soothe headaches, calm nerves, ease depression, dizziness and stress, and wilt even combat halitosis. Lavender’s antibacterial properties work to combat bacteria in the intestines, and it is also an antiviral and antifungal, working against yeast infections, diphtheria, typhoid, staph, strep and many flu viruses. It is an effective tonic that Improves intestinal health. This fragrant herb is a must for every home.

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Herbal Remedies: Therapeutic Properties of Maiden Hair

Maiden Hair is the world’s most used treatment for memory loss and degenerative diseases of the brain and central nervous system. Because Maiden Hair increases the circulation of blood and oxygen to all parts of the body, it is effective overall tonic that aids in the treatment of a variety of conditions, ranging from impotence to ringing in the ears, and that is only the beginning!

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Herbal Remedies: Therapeutic Properties of Ma Huang

Ma huang (Ephedra sinica) is a cone-bearing shrub, 30 to 50 cm in height, which is native to China but now found also in the Mediterranean region, India, Persia, and the western portion of South America. This species grows best in sandy or rocky deserts and mountains. Warm temperate latitude with less than 20 cm of annual rainfall are suitable for the growth of ma huang, i.e., ma huang is a xerophytic plant capable of growing under semiand to and conditions.

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Herbal Remedies: Therapeutic Properties of Malva Leaf

When bothered with the pain and inflammation of asthma, laryngitis, bronchitis, sore throat or dry. hacking cough, try Malva Leaf to help rid the lungs and respiratory tract of excess fluid and mucus, while at the same time, it helps to soothe irritation and inflammation of the mucous membranes.

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Herbal Remedies: Therapeutic Properties of Maitake Mushroom

Described as the King of Mushrooms in Japan, Maitake is rapidly gaining a reputation as one of the finest immuno-stimulants known. Used in Oriental medicine for over three thousand years, new scientific research in Japan and the United States has discovered some powerful compounds that have shown significant carcinogenesis prevention activity in tests. Regarded as the most potent immune-enhancing of all the mushrooms, current studies are revealing some promising data that may provide hope for HIV patients. Maitake Mushroom is easily absorbed and is as effective when taken as an oral supplement as it is when given intravenously.

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Herbal Remedies: Therapeutic Properties of Marjoram Leaf

Marjoram Leaf is an aromatic tonic (and important condiment) that is a pleasant means to good digestion. It eases colic, sour stomach, stomach pains and menstrual cramps and is also an effective expectorant that loosens phlegm in the lungs and alleviates sinus headache, bronchitis, dry coughs and the symptoms of colds and flu. Marjoram is also a natural disinfectant anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antioxidant that effectively relieve pains and aches.

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Herbal Remedies: Therapeutic Properties of Marigold

Its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic qualities have been used for centuries to ease skin infections, ulcerations, bowel problems, hemorrhoids and varicose veins The herb is also said to reduce fever and treat indigestion, as well as help gallbladder and liver problems. Marigold is widely used in cosmetics for its toning and soothing effects.

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Herbal Remedies: Therapeutic Properties of Mayapple

Mayapple is said to aid in liver complaints. As a cholagogue it has been used to stimulate the production and flow of bile (which also aids in the digestive process), and has a reputation for supporting liver function. Some say it has no equal when used for liver ailments and has been used in cases of jaundice, biliousness and for the removal of body obstructions. The eliminative properties of Mayapple (both in the bowel and liver) make it effective for a number of complaints marked by accumulation of waste products in the system (including arthritic and skin problems).

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Herbal Remedies: Therapeutic Properties of Marshmallow Root

Troubled by asthma, bronchitis or other respiratory problems’? Marshmallow Root aids the body in expelling excess fluid and will soothe the mucous membranes and a dry, hacking cough. The herb is good for easing bladder infection, digestive upsets, fluid retention, intestinal disorders, kidney problems, sinusitis and sore throat, and it is a natural source of beta-carotene, amino acids, minerals and vitamins.

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Herbal Remedies: Therapeutic Properties of Mistletoe

If all you want is a kiss, walk under a bough of Mistletoe, but if you are exhausted, irritable or suffering from headache or hypertension, try Mistletoe for relief. Perhaps more importantly, there are very hopeful and exciting studies currently being conducted on Mistletoe in the area of immune therapy, which show promise in building defense against disease.

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