First-Aid: First-Aid for Hiccups, Constipation, Indigestion and Obstructed Hernia


I lire ups occur due to spasms of the diaphragm, which divides the abdomen from the chest. They are commonly due to eating or drinking too much or drinking carbonated beverages in large quantities. They can also be due to diseases that irritate the phrenic nerve that supplies the diaphragm. There are so many hiccup remedies. They all work when the hiccups are ready to stop anyhow. Hiccuping lasting for days is exhausting.

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First-Aid: First-Aid for Dysentery, Asthma, and Allergy


It is characterized by passage of motions with blood and mucus and can be mild or severe. It can be acute onset and short duration, or chronic, lasting for many days. It is caused by infection with ameba or bacilli. It may be due to conditions like chronic ulcerative colitis and also due to consumption of contaminated food.

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First-Aid: First-Aid for Alcoholic Hallucinations, Unconsciousness and Fainting


It is an acute toxic state that follows a prolonged heavy drinking. Hallucinations are perceptions of sensations that do not exist. The conditions is diagnosed by the following features.

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First-Aid: First-Aid for Piles, Retention if Urine, Motion Sickness, Insomnia and Glare in Eyes


These are varicose veins of the rectum. They may be caused by constipation. They feel like little lumps or balls when they prolapse out of the anus during defecation or permanently. They cause bleeding per rectum when passing stools. They are painful when they get thrombosed. When a hemorrhoid begins to bleed, the person develops anemia due to chronic blood loss.

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First-Aid: How to Deliver a Baby?

1. Place the woman in left lateral position until the baby starts delivering. Then she can be allowed to roll on to her back and draw her legs up for bearing down.
2. Keep her covered with blankets until the baby starts delivering.
3. Put a clean cloth under her buttock.
4. Place a clean pad over the anus.
5. Moister her lips with water if she feels thirsty.

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First-Aid: Understanding Emergency of Childbirth

In the cities, most babies are born in hospitals or other institutions where professional help from trained nurses and doctors is available. Even in villages, deliveries are conducted in primary health centers by professionals. However sometimes the women cannot get to a hospital and childbirth may take place at home, or on her way to the hospital in a bus, train, taxi, ambulance, or even unplanned on a plane or ship. The first-aider should be able to conduct this delivery properly so that at the end of it there is a healthy mother and a healthy baby. A first-aider may have to give help when a miscarriage occurs.

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First-Aid: First-Aid for Convulsion, Febrile Convulsions In Young Children, Hysteria, Stroke and Hypoglycemia


It is a condition characterized by repetitive contraction and relaxation of a group of muscles in the body and is caused by disturbance in the function of the brain. Convulsions are usually followed by loss of consciousness. Various causes of convulsions are as follows.

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