Diet Cure: Dietary Treatment for Anemia

Diet is of the utmost importance in the treatment of anemia. Refined foods like white bread, polished rice, sugar and desserts rob the body of the much-needed iron.

Iron should always be taken in its natural organic form in food as the use of inorganic iron can prove hazardous. It may cause destruction of protective vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids, serious liver damage, miscarriage during pregnancy and delayed or premature births.

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Diet Cure: Symptoms and Causes of Appendicitis

Appendicitis is the most common of all serious intestinal disorders. It refers to an inflammation of the vermiform appendix. It presents itself in acute and chronic forms and affects both the sexes equally.

This disease now accounts for about half the acute, abdominal emergencies occurring between the ages of 10 and 30. It is more frequent in developed countries than in underdeveloped countries.

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Diet Cure: Treatment Chart for Appendicitis


I. An all-fruit diet for 2 or 3 days, with three meals a day of fresh juicy fruits at five-hourly intervals.

II. Fruit and milk diet for further 3 days. In this regimen, milk may be added to each fruit meal.

III. Therefore, adopt a well-balanced diet on the following lines:

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Diet Cure: Dietary Treatment for Arteriosclerosis

If the causes of arteriosclerosis are known, remedial action should be taken promptly to remove them. To begin with, the patient should resort to a short juice fast for five to seven days. All available fresh, raw vegetable and fruit juices in season may be taken.

Grapefruit juice, pineapple juice, lemon juice and juices of green vegetables are specially beneficial. A warm water enema should be used daily to cleanse the bowels during the period of fasting.

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Diet Cure: Symptoms and Causes of Arteriosclerosis

Arteriosclerosis is one of the most common diseases of the blood vessels. It refers to a thickening of the walls of the arteries due to the presence of calcium or lime. It has become a common ailment in modern times, accounting for much of the disability and high death rate among older people.

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Diet Cure: Treatment Chart for Arteriosclerosis

I. Raw juice diet for 5 days. Take a glass of fresh fruit or vegetable juice, diluted with water, every two hours during the day and use warm water enema daily.

II. Therefore, adopt the following diet:

1. Upon arising: A glass of lukewarm water with half a freshly-squeezed lime and a teaspoon of honey.

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Diet Cure: Dietary Treatment for Arthritis

According to the modern medical profession, there is no cure for arthritis and the patient must learn to live with it. Naturopathy, however, believes in dietetic cure of the disease. Most chronic arthritis patients are heavy eaters and often take food furnishing 3,500 to 4,000 calories.

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Diet Cure: Symptoms and Causes of Arthritis

The word ‘arthritis’ means ‘inflammation of joints.’ It comes from two Greek words, athron meaning joints and itis meaning inflammation. It is a chronic disease process. In the early stages, the whole body is usually involved and one or two joints may become completely deformed, leaving the patient handicapped and somewhat weakened.

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