Home Remedies: Therapeutic Properties of Common Salt

No dish is complete without a dash of salt. Common salt is not a food item, but takes part in almost all food preparations. Apart from the taste enhancing property, it is also useful in the maintenance of fluid balance in the body, muscle irritability, acid base balance, and osmotic pressure. Salt is necessary for the human body, but in a very restricted amount. A healthy adult needs three to eight grams of common salt per day. If you avoid common salt totally from all the food sources, then its deficiency causes weakness, giddiness, loss of appetite, cramps in the muscles which are exercised the most (particularly calf muscles), twitching and convulsions, collapsed veins, cold palms and soles, and low blood pressure. Associated water deficiency produces scanty urine, dry mouth, inelastic skin, and disorientation. Acute depletion of sodium by 30% will lead to circulatory collapse and death.

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Home Remedies: Therapeutic Properties of Ghee

Ayurveda has traditionally considered ghee to be one of the most health-promoting of all foodstuffs. Ghee is said to pacify all three of the doshas, strengthen the body, improve memory and mental functions, and promote longevity. It comes with a host of benefits that are listed in the traditional ayurvedic texts. Ghee has been given the cherished title of rasayana in Ayurveda—that helps overall health, longevity and well-being.

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Home Remedies: Therapeutic Properties of Fenugreek

Fenugreek, popularly known as methi, has excellent medicinal virtues. Seeds exercise soothing effect on the mucous membranes and skin. They show diuretic action, relieve flatulence, and promote lactation in nursing mothers. Due to the astringent action, they check the bleeding tendency in the body. Like the alkaloids of Cod-liver oil, the alkaloids of fenugreek seeds stimulate the appetite by their action on the nervous system.

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Home Remedies: Therapeutic Properties of Curry Leaves

Curry leaf tree or Bergeria koenigii is known to everybody as a simple flavoring agent in curries, but its medicinal uses are unfamiliar to most. Let us take a look at some of its striking health benefits.

Known as kaala saakha (because it is dark in color) and Surabhi nimba (because it resembles the neem tree) in Sanskrit, this inexpensive condiment has excellent medicinal properties.

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Home Remedies: Therapeutic Properties of Ginger

Ginger has been used as a spice and medicine for thousands of years. Its use has been recorded in early Ayurvedic treatises and Chinese texts. Ginger has a wide variety of herbal uses, many of which have been scientifically proven. Ginger is called ardrakam in Sanskrit and its anti-emetic, anti-inflammatory and anti-platelet properties have attracted considerable interest among researchers.

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Home Remedies: Therapeutic Properties of Guduchi

Tinospora cordifolia (guduchi or gulbel) is an indigenous medicinal plant with a potent immunostimulant activity. According to the Ayurvedic treatises, Guduchi is referred to as Amrita. The term Amrita is attributed to this plant in recognition of its ability to impart youthfulness, vitality and longevity to its user. Therefore, it is categorized in Ayurveda as Rasayana. (Rasa means biologically transformable liquid nutrient of all the tissues in the body and aayana means a pathway. Thus Rasaayana bestows the strength of all dhaatus of the body! Rasaayana helps slowing down the ageing process, enhances memory, improves the functioning of vital organs, increases the ojus (the immunity factor) and nourishes all the tissues).

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Home Remedies: Therapeutic Properties of Grapes

Grapes and raisins have been a part of Indian diet for ages. White grapes are sweet due to the presence of glucose and are superior to black grapes, which are sour and irritate the throat. On the other hand, raw grapes are rich in oxalic, recemic, malic and tartaric acids, due to which they taste sour and tart.

The therapeutic value of grapes lies in the fact that they are rich sources of glucose. We know that glucose is a pre-digested food and is absorbed in the body soon after its intake. Grapes, by virtue of their easy assimilation, have a restorative effect.

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Home Remedies: Therapeutic Properties of Liquorice Root

Liquorice root is an extremely useful herb that enjoys a fair amount of popularity now, in addition to its prominence in Ayurvedic Medicine. It is a tasting herb, which makes it appealing. It makes good tea-although if it possesses medicinal strength, it is probably not going to be your favorite beverage because it is outrageously sweet—many times more so than sugar. In some parts of the world, children chew the root as candy.

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