Allergy Cure: Pranayama to Treat Allergy

Pranayama is derived from two Sanskrit words – “Prana” and “Ayama”. “Prana” means breath, life, vitality, air, power or energy. “Ayama” denotes extension, abstinence, regulation, control or restraint. Thus Pranayama is the act of control of respiration and an attempt to control the flow of “Prana” or vital force in the human body.

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Allergy Cure: Yogic Kriyas to Treat Allergy

Yogic Kriyas are a very important part of Hatha Yoga as they help to eliminate the accumulated toxins from the body. The body is like a machine, which has to be continuously cleaned and maintained in a perfect condition. The Yogic Kriyas are six in number and often referred to as Shat Kriyas. They are as follows:-

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Allergy Cure: Meditation to Treat Allergy

Patanjali, the original teacher of Yoga had described meditation as “the uninterrupted thinking of one thought”. Swami Vivekananda had said, “Meditation is the focussing of the mind on some object. If the mind acquires concentration on one object, it can concentrate on any object whatsoever.”

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Allergy Cure: Homeopathy to Treat Allergy

Homeopathy is derived from the Greek word “homeo” meaning like and “pathos” meaning suffering Homeopathy sees symptoms of disease as a positive outward sign that the body is trying to heal itself. Therefore, it holds that symptoms should not be suppressed as in the case of Allopathy and remedies are used which will help to stimulate and support the healing process.

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Allergy Cure: Ayurveda to Treat Allergy

Treatment of allergy in Ayurveda is not just confined to medicines, diet and exercise but other measures are also involved. This difference in the approach to the disease is due to the difference in the concept of the disease. In Ayurveda, it is believed that any disease is due to imbalance in the doshas, i.e., one or more doshas may increase or decrease.

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