Reiki Healing: Manipura and Anahata Chakra

Manipura :

Manipura means the ‘city of jewels’ (‘Mani’— gem, ‘pura’ — city). As the name indicates, this chakra is the fire centre, the focal point of heat, and is lustrous like a jewel, radiant with vitality and energy. It is like a bright yellow-coloured lotus with ten petals. The organs attached to this chakra are the organs of digestion like liver, pancreas, gall bladder, stomach etc. and also the glands present on the kidneys. The production & secretion of enzymes is very important for the proper digestion and absorption of food materials.

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Reiki Healing: Reiki Attunments for Opening Up Chakras

Centring Meditation

Reiki attunements help in opening up of Chakras. Continuous Reiki treatment helps in improving intuition. If we focus our consciousness on hara or chi centre, which the Chinese call the emotional chakra, the opposite polarity chakra located in the third eye becomes balanced. When we bring the centre of our attention (i.e. the focus of our conscious awareness) into the belly chakra, we begin to connect with our true feelings. The centring meditation helps us to be centred in hara, and we open up to the intuitive faculties located in the third eye chakra.

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Reiki Healing: Nadis in Reiki

The chakras are connected to different physical organs. The energy from the chakras flows into these organs through the nadis. Nadi means flow of current. Like chakras, they are not located in the physical body. Nadis are the subtle channels through which the vital energy travels or flows. There are nearly 72,000 nadis in the body, of which 14 are important and three are the most important namely, Ida, Pingala and Sushumna.

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Reiki Healing: Aura / Biofield / Bioplasma

Very often we talk about the physical body and diseases affecting it, as we can only see our physical body. However, studies in the beginning of this century pointed to an energy field surrounding the humans and other objects. This energy field was called Aura by Kilner, and he observed that it differs from person to person depending on the age, sex, mental ability and health.

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Reiki Healing: Reiki for Control of Endocrine Glands and Hormones

The human body is like a machine, which is controlled by two major systems: the nervous system and the endocrine system. The nervous systemh elps us to adjust to the external environment with the help of sense organs. The endocrine system brings about changes in the metabolic activities of all the body tissues. These two systems are diverse in their functions, but coordinate their activities so that the internal body harmony and balance is maintained. The Hypothalamus, a major nerve centre in the brain, provides the link between the brain and the endocrine system.

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Reiki Healing: Concepts of Reiki

Reiki is a method of healing oneself with the help of cosmic energy, which is called ‘Universal Life Force Energy’. The other way to understand Reiki is that “It is a high level, deep-rooted meditation, wherein we invoke cosmic energy in our body through the chakras to energize our physical, mental, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual bodies.”

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Reiki Healing: Whom to Treat with Reiki?

First, treat yourself. You are a Reiki expert and can be in as perfect health as your ego will allow yourself to be.

Second, treat family members. Normally, the family unit will have provided you with many benefits, and transmitting the health of Reiki is an excellent way to complete the exchange.

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