The provings produced symptoms from “Mind and head to food”. Each remedy produced symptoms some of which were common to many remedies, yet there were some peculiar symptoms which characterised each single remedy which were not found in exactly the same wayin any other remedy. These provings led Hahnemann to formulate the following rules in selecting the remedies for curing individual patients who present varying group of symptoms according to their own constitutions and temperaments.
(a) The VITAL FORCE (immune system) governs the harmonious working of the functions of the individual. Illness results when the Vital Force is disturbed due to one reason or another. This vital force is indivisible and hence we must treat each individual as, a single entity.
Therefore, we must treat the individual (with his complaints) and not take each complaint (like headache, diarrhoea, sleeplessness) separately for treatment irrespective of the symptoms of the patient as a whole. This means that we must take the TOTALITY of symptoms to find the curative remedy.
(b) The symptoms of the sick individual (subjective and objective) are the sole guide to the curative remedy. Totality does not mean allthe symptoms, but only those which are PECULIAR, Uncommon, singular and characteristic of the PATIENT – not of the disease He is suffering from.
For example, of two patients with high fever, one may be thirstless, while the other has extreme thirst; one may be restless, while the other wants to lie down undisturbed; one feels chilly (no fan even in burning summer) while the other wants fast fan, and so on.
(c) The Minimum dose : Experience led Hahnemann to conclude that remedies given to patients in an undiluted form produced aggravations, whereas the higher “dilutions” not only avoided aggravation but they were more effective. The “dilutions” are now calledpotencies. One drop of the Mother Tincture of the medicine mixed with 99 parts of alchohol, shaken vigorously ten times gives potency No. 1.
Then one drop of Potency No. 1 is mixed with 99 drops of alcohol, and vigorously succussed, gives Potency No.2. Continuing this procedure we go up to Potencies No. 30, 200, 1000 (IM), 10M, 50M and CM. Present day experience shows that the higher potencies (1M and 10M) and the highest potencies are powerful, they have deep action and need less repetition, sometimes even one dose proves curative.
(d) Single remedy – No combinations : Since the remedies have been provedsingly, and the provings alone provide the symptoms of each single remedy, which is the basis for administration of the remedy, the remedies have to be prescribed SINGLY, not in combination or in alternation. Given a thorough study of peculiar symptoms of remedies, one can easily find a single remedy to match the symptoms of the patient. This methodical practice makes the practitioner wiser and competent with each case, while breaking this rule will result in stagnation of his prescribing ability.