Modern Medicine: Treatment for Acne

This is an adolescence syndrome when young boys and girls, at pubertal stage or even after that, experience emergence of crop of pimples on the face – moves on checks, beneath tower tip and chin, near the ears, but rarely under the eyes, this is said to be a symptom of approaching young age when, due to glazed oily skin, red pimples appear on face. When such pimples are pluked, pus, blood or thick yellow fluid exudes therefrom. Constant plucking leaves back blemishes on the facial skin and appearance gets destorted which is a mentally and psychologically shattering situation for the youngones.

As a first step, do not pluck the pimples, rather keep the skin dry. Dip a face towel in luke warm water and place on the pimples and rub very gently. The process may be repeated 5-6 times, especially before retiring to bed. Pat dry the surface and let the moisture dry. There is no need to applying any cream, ointment or lotion. Wash your face with tepid water several times and pat dry. While applying steam, protect your eyes from heat and exposure.

Truly speaking, almost all local skin applications block the glands of skin and oily skin, is more prone to acne. Puberty is a time for hormonal changes and acne is simply an extended form of such changes.

There are many creams, ointments, lotions available to get rid of acne, for example trade bands like Acnessol, Acnex, Eudidna, Gery ointment, pernox Gel, Persol Gel etc may be tried locally if symptoms tally with the drug picture. On Flypersansitive skin no medicine should be applied. Try oral antibiotics like erythromycin, Tetracylin. Take tetracylin (250 mg) 6 hourly dose, and erythromycin (500 mg) twice daily. The dose may be continued for 1-4 weeks and reduced to once or twice a day until complete relief is obtained. All the antibiotics should be taken under medical guidance and never of one’s own free will.

Do not resort to any hormonal treatment, without advice and gurdance of a specialists. No such hormonal therapy should be given during pregnancy.

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