Magnet Therapy: How Does Magnet Therapy Work?

According to an article published in the American Journal .of Electromedicine in April 1995, “30 million people worldwide use magnets for the alleviation of discomfort.”

The exact mechanism by which magnets relieve discomfort and pain has yet to be defined and is currently under investigation. Like aspirin, the exact process by which pain is relieved is not understood. However, no one argues that aspirins work. Now, better than aspirin, the Baylor College of Medicine in Texas did a medical study, the first double-blind study of magnets in the USA.

This study established that magnets unquestionably relieved severe pain in 76% of the test subjects. The publication of the Baylor Report to the medical community has fostered the start of dozens of scientific medical studies of magnetic therapy by the health-care field.

According to Ron Lawrence, MD, a Neurologist and President of the North American Academy of Magnetic Therapy in California, “Recent studies have demonstrated quite clearly that when placed directly on the skin, a simple, handheld magnet… increases blood flow. It does so by stimulating cellular activity…

This results in general healing of the magnetised area. Some scientists think magnets improve the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, which could also stimulate blood flow to the affected area… and diminish pain… It speeds healing, boosting the body’s synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the ‘fuel’ that fires all cellular processes… and by enhancing the blood’s ability to carry oxygen. Magnetic therapy helps relieve arthritis pain and slows the deterioration of cartilage inside arthritic joints.”

Theramagnetics, the use of therapeutic magnets, may be the answer when traditional medicine ceases to have the answer, especially for chronic pain. In addition to being low cost, this form of relief does not have harmful side effects. However, good common sense should be followed in its use.

Thus, any person with a pacemaker or other electronic medical device, which could be adversely affected, is cautioned not to use magnetic devices. Additionally, women who may be pregnant are also cautioned not to use magnetic devices. Studies of any effect by the magnetic fields on a foetus have yet to be conducted.

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