Cancer Treatment: Cancer of the Pancreas

Pancreas lies in the abdomen between the lower border of the stomach and the upper border of the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine. It produces digestive enzymes which pass into the duodenum by a duct to digest the food. Special type of cells of the pancreas, produce insulin which is absorbed into the blood and helps in keeping in balance the level of the blood sugar.

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Cancer Treatment: Cancer of the Breast

Breast cancer is common. It usually occurs in women past the age of 40 years, though it has been seen to occur earlier as well. The incidence of breast cancer in India is reported to be 20 per 100,000 women. It occurs a decade earlier than in the Western women; the mean age of occurrence is about 42 years in India, as compared to 53 years in the white women.

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Cancer Treatment: Cancer of the Uterus

Uterus present in the lower part of the abdomen, is the organ where the foetus normally resides during pregnancy.

Uterus is very much liable to develop, hard, roundish masses in its walls, which also protrude into cavity of the uterus, and cause excessive bleeding. They may be present more than one at a time. They are called fibroids and they are not cancer.

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