Chromotherapy: Treatment for Ailments of the Eyes

1. Stye

Stye is an infection of the eyelid which makes it red and sore. For its cure one must wash the eyes 2-3 times a day with green water and put 2-3 drops of sun-charged rose water into the eyes for relief. For the swelling one must apply sun-charged blue coconut oil on the external part of the eyes.

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Natural Remedies: Therapeutic and Cancer Fighting Properties of Beet Juice, Cabbage and Other Cruciferous Vegetables and Carrot

Diet is now considered a major factor in prevention and treatment of cancer. According to the American National Cancer Institute, about one-third of all types of cancers are linked to diet. Thus, right choice of foods can help prevent a majority of new cancer cases and deaths from cancer. Cancer usually develops over a long period.

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Natural Remedies: Therapeutic and Cancer Fighting Properties of Liquorice, Margosa, Milk, Olive Oil and Papaya Leaves


Liquorice, a popular spice and a flavouring agent, is an anti-cancer food. It has the properties, which not only help prevent cancer but also retard its spread. Triterpenoids contained in liquorice may block quick-growing cancer cells and cause some pre-cancerous cells to return to normal growth. This spice can be used either in the form of powder, decoction or infusion. These preparations can be taken mixed with honey.

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Homeopathy: Homeopathic Remedies for Constipation and Diarrhea in Children


Alumina – Constipation of sucklings on artificial food, or in bottle-fed babies. Passes stool only when standing (Caust.) Even a soft stool requires a great effort.

Bryonia – Stool large, hard, very dry as if burnt. Child very thirsty.

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Homeopathy: Homeopathic Remedies for Dentition and Convulsions in Children


Aconite – Sudden watery diarrhea and convulsion of teething children. Grinding of teeth. Calcarea Carb. Slow teething; difficult dentition. Calcarea phos. Retarded dentition.

Kreosotum – Painful dentition. Teeth begin to decay as soon as they erupt. Cross and sleepless during dentition.

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Homeopathy: Homeopathic Remedies for Feeding and Developmental Problems in Children


Borax – Sore mouth of nursing children. Aphthae of the tongue and mouth which bleed easily. Dread of downward motion, or fear of falling when being carried downwards. Aphthae with hot breath. Lets go the nipple and cries with pain. Screams before urination.

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Homeopathy: Homeopathic Remedies for Late Learning to Talk and walk, Worms and Bed Wetting in Children


Calcarea carb. – Fat, flabby child with defective nutrition of bones. Large head, open fontanelles and profuse sweat even during sleep. Craving for indigestible things; and for eggs. Inability to apply himself Hence, late learning to walk.

Calc. phos. – Child is delicate, tall, thin or scrawny. Neck painful from drafts. Sunken, flabby abdomen. Fontenelles remain open too long. Craves salted or smoked meat. Late learning to walk.

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Homeopathy: Homeopathic Remedies for Asthma in Children

Antim tart – Suffocative shortness of breath. Must sit up to breathe or cough. Coarse rattling cough but cannot bring up sputum.

Ipecacuanha – Child gasps for breath with paroxysm of suffocative cough with retching; Chid stiffens out, becomes red in face and finally gags, nauseated and vomits.

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Homeopathy Medicines: Characteristics of Aconite and Aethusa Cynapium


Ailments from (A/F) exposure to COLD winds, with sudden attacks, acute inflammation and congestion (heart, circulation, head).

Great FEAR and anxiety of mind; fear of death; predicts the hour of death. Tossing about in agony; inconsolable. Fear of crowds, of crossing the streets. Remote effects of FRIGHT. (Op.).

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Homeopathy Medicines: Characteristics of Antimonium Crudum and Antimonium Tart


Child is fretful, peevish, cannot bear to be touched or looked at; sulky, does not wish to speak or be spoken to. Angry at every little attention. Bad effects of disappointed affection. Cannot bear the heat of the sun; exhausted in warm weather. Aversion to cold bathing.

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