Aromatherapy: Bringing Science, Art and Magic Together

With so much common ground apparent within the spheres of the artistic, magickal, and scientific areas, and with nature at the root of each of the three disciplines, it is natural to wonder the exact difference between these three seemingly different areas of practice. In fact, it is merely a difference of approach. As hard as the purist may argue in defense of his or her own chosen discipline, each area crosses over into the others. The root of an approach of artistry, for example, may be considered the spark of inspiration that initiates action. While in aromatherapy, the faculty of inspired action is invaluable, even the formula that is borne of inspiration must be tested in accordance with the disciplines of the scientist in order to fulfill its purpose. The magickal aromatherapist, as well, must test the oil blend again and again in order to be assured of its effectiveness. No matter how determined the magician may be to see the magickal blend through to a predetermined result, the dedication of the pursuit will be to little avail if the blend itself is contrary to the purpose.

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Aromatherapy: Traditional Approaches to Aromatherapy

There are two primary areas to be addressed in using fragrance as a medium for effecting changes in the human condition. We must develop some criteria for the mixing of specific scents in blended oils and we must arrange some way of utilizing the prepared oil blends.

First, it should be remembered that the roots of aromatherapy lie far in the past. Like many of the ancient arts, they are designed with regard to the belief systems that were common in ages past. And in the specific case of scent therapy, its background is shared in many ways with the ancient herbalist.

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Aromatherapy: Irritant Oils in Aromatherapy

Among the many considerations to be noted before going full steam into the practice of aromatherapy is that of the oils themselves. Certain oils are irritants and may have an ill effect in external application, or even in use as inhalants. However, it is a caution well heeded to acknowledge that, when dealing with different people, they may carry different sensitivities with them. This includes, but is not limited to, allergies. For example, there was one family I worked with who had an apparent inherited sensitivity to canola oil.

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Aromatherapy: Responsible Aromatherapy and Magical Ethics

Each time we apply the ancient healing and magical arts we are creating changes in the lives of our clients and often in the lives of those individuals around them. Our entire existence in this world is made up of a series of contacts with others. We laugh together, play together, share loves, sorrows, joys, and tears, and unveil the deepest secrets of our souls, one to the other.

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Aromatherapy: External Application in Aromatherapy

External application is also employed in both the healing and the magical facets of aromatherapy. There is sometimes a preference in the specific area of the body to which an essential oil is applied. In chakra work, it may seem advantageous to pointedly include or exclude certain traditional chakra centers, depending on the condition to be remedied. This can be true whether it is a magickal or healing endeavor that is being undertaken.

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Aromatherapy: Inhalation of Scents in Aromatherapy

Inhalation is the more widely used method of delivering scent. One of the earliest uses of herbs in their natural state, in fact, was through inhalation therapy in a system called “smoking.” The herb was burned and the fumes inhaled by the ailing individual to effect relief from whatever malady was being treated. It is easy to see the direct relation of this method of treatment to the burning of incense in the temples of ancient civilization, one of the earliest methods of magickal aromatherapy. Although essential oils have become the central medium of aromatherapy practice, the employment of aromatic herbs in their natural state should not be forgotten. It remains a viable form of utilizing the properties of fragrance.

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Aromatherapy: The Three-Circle System in Aromatherapy

Before undertaking any magical working, write down the names of those who are directly involved. If this undertaking is unquestionably to the greatest benefit of all those listed, draw a circle around the names. Next, consider those who might be once removed from the immediate cast of players. Is this act to the greater benefit of these people—the brothers, sisters, parents, and closest friends? If you can honestly see benefit, draw another circle around this cast of characters once removed. Finally, take the analysis out to another level.

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Aromatherapy: Methods of Oil Extraction for Aromatherapy

As to the manufacture of essential oils, there are at least five common methods that may be employed to obtain the final product. These are enfleurage, maceration, evaporation, expression, and distillation. Although there are some peculiar variations of these, in general these are the basic ways in which to extract essential oils from nature.

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Aromatherapy: Oils in Aromatherapy

Essential oil is manufactured from the oil Contained within a plant or flower, the essence of the entity. In order for it to be used by the aromatherapist, it must first be extracted from its host. There are numerous ways to accomplish this. Some of these methods are preferred for the quality of the yield. Because of the need to employ costly and complicated equipment in certain methods of extraction, they are resigned to the laboratories of commercial enterprises. Other methods are more conducive to kitchen chemistry. One caution on entering into a decision as to which process would be best suited to an individual’s needs and abilities would be to develop an awareness of the quality level of the end product. In certain instances, it may be nearly impossible to manufacture an essential oil at home that could even begin to approach the same quality standards of what may be purchased from a commercial concern.

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Aromatherapy: Applications of Aromatherapy

In addressing the traditional approach to aromatherapy, it is important to investigate the application or method of employment of the fragrant mediums. These are, to some extent, dependent on the situation to be remedied, and must take into account the particular situation and, at times, the particular recipient of the application. We must keep in mind that each person is born with varying sensitivities, and may respond better to one method of application than another.

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