Natural Cure: Nervous Disorders and Diseases

The deterioration of nerves in the scalp and the face, etc., results in chronic headache, pain in the forehead temples and gums and teeth. That also causes baldness, mumps, cataract, deafness, incoherent speech and loose jaws.

The loss of control by the nerves in the neck, causes the head to shake uncontrollably and the neck to be stiff. Pain in the neck, shoulders and arms is the result.

Deterioration of the nerves of the back, when they come out at the end of each digit, get thick and push the digit, making it loose in the socket. Due to the pull of the stiff muscles of the back, the digits slightly change their angle in the loose socket and there is a permanent forward stoop in the back of the patient.

Thyroid gland controls the radiation of heat from the body as long as the nerves are healthy. But with their deterioration, the radiation of heat is more than the normal. The body has to cover this loss of heat by putting on more warm clothes in winter.

With the deterioration of nerves of the chest, there start rheumatic pains in the muscles of the chest and bunches of nerves are formed, which hinder the proper flow of electricity. That makes the E.C.G. graph irregular.

If there is defect in the nerves that trigger the heart, cholestrol starts depositing in the arteries, with the result that the heart has to work more to push blood through the resultant narrow arteries.

When the nerves of the belly or the abdomen deteriorate, the pancreas are affected. The liver gets sluggish and cannot help in the proper assimilation of food for the blood.

The pancreas cannot make the proper amount of insulin to utilise the sugar in the blood and diabetes results. The intestines get stiff and gas trouble is the result.

It has been mentioned that the nerves of the back, when they come out, cause displacement of the digits of the spine and pain is the result. In X-ray ‘slip disc’ appears. Doctors advise the use of a belt to keep the waist straight and direct the patient not to bend forward.

As the nerves of the public region deteriorate, the prostrate expands and squeezes the urethra, that stops the flow of urine. The muscles that support the intestines get ruptured, causing hernia.

The deterioration of nerves in the testicles result in hydrocele and of those around the penis, are the cause of penis losing erection.

When the nerves in the thighs deteriorate, the tendons and muscles also deteriorate and several tendons join to form rope-like formations, which can be felt in the thighs during massage.

The muscles of the thighs, too, get stiff and can be felt with the hand leading to pain in the knees. Difficulty arises in sitting, getting up and walking. Doctors remove the knee-cap through operation. The legs cannot bend and remain straight like a stick.

The deterioration of nerves in the calves results in varicose veins, osteosclerosis and cramps. Edema is also formed above the ankles. Veins become soft and flabby, large and prominent.

Deterioration of the nerves of the feet result in pain in the big toe, some finding their feet to be hot. The heal cannot touch the ground for pain. The feet become unshapy and the toes twist.

When a person has a heart attack, there is severe pain in his left chest, left arm and leg. This shows that nerves that trigger the heart are connected with the nerves of the legs and the arms, the deterioration of which affects the heart.

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