Asthma Treatment: Acute Laryngitis

Larynx is an organ of voice and an inflammation thereof is called ‘Laryngitis’. When voice is used forcibly, used at high pitch, at a stretch, when infection of any type sets in, there may be pain on swallowing, using voice, speaking or putting any sort of extra strain on the organ will result in laryngitis which is also known as ‘spasmodic laryngitis or spasmodic croup’.

There is crowing respiration, marked dyspnoea, restlessness, pain on attempting to speak, frequent cough, coming more particularly at night, voice is hoarse and painful. There may also be fever, dry and husky cough, dyspnoea, (often it is quite severe after 3-4 days), thirst, loss of appetite; burning and itching sensation in throat, mucus discharge is difficult to expel as the mucus is thick and stingy.

There is also barking cough, hoarse voice. Exposure to wet and cold weather, living in foul-smelling and dingy quarters, inhalation of dust and smoking are the other causes. Avoidance of precipitatory cause(s) is the only option. Repeated attacks are liable to lead to chronicity of the malady.


It should be supportive, preventive and curative. Any suitable antibiotic will relieve acute or chronic stage of the disease. Saline water gargles will provide much needed relief, to be followed by local application of any standard throat pain. Once the symptoms have disappeared, it must not be taken for granted that permanent cure has been achieved, because the disease is bounded to recur if the precipitating causes resurface.

Hot compression over throat will also provide relief. Too hot or too cold foods should be avoided in any case, in addition to ensuring that no exposure to weather conditions is made.


Belladonna-30: Skin is hot and burning with high temperature; face is flushed; there is also twitching and barking cough, throat is red and painful, pupils are either contracted or dialated, sweating on covered parts, delirium, somnolence.

Aconite-30 : There is restivity, fever, anxiety, sense of suffocation, pain in throat, cough is dry but gets worse when exposed to cold air.

Note: Aconite and Belladonna can be used alternatively, at an interval of !4 an hour, at the acute stage, for initial 4-6 hours, according to symptoms. But, if no relief follows, following medicines may be used, according to symptoms noted against each medicine.

Causticum-200 : Hoarse voice, pain in chest.

Hepar Sulph-200 : It is an antibiotic to throat infections and drains out tenacious mucus. Hoarness of voice continues despite mucus being loose. Symptomsare better when getting warm but worsen on exposure to cold wind.

Spongia-30 : Voice is hoarse, type of cough is dry, difficulty in breathing, sensation of foreign body in the throat; symptoms are worse before midnight. More useful in dry, hoarse, scraping cough.

Kali Bichrome-3* (trit), 6 : Useful when the mucus is stingy, yellow and viscid, adheres to lips and is difficult to hawk up. It is claimed that Natrum Mur-3X (trit) and Kali Bichrome-3x (trit) mixed together will suffice to meet most of the complications of acute laryngitis, but treatment has to be continued for 7-8 days at a stretch.


Repeated attacks of acute variety of laryngitis leads to chronicity of the malady. Useal causes are repeated use of voice forcefully while singing, talking, shouting which lead to constant hawking/ cough, loss of voice or hoarseness, difficulty in breathing process etc. The problem is a common complaint of public speakers, professionals like orators, professors, lawyers, propagators, union leaders etc, who are required to use their voice at a streth for long spells.


SeIenuim-6 : Useful for hoarse voice of old men.

Drosera-2\ 6 : Pain while or on beginning to speak, voice unnatural and deep, raw sensation inside the throat.

Kali Iodide (5-10 gm) : It is useful in chronic laryngitis and third stage of syphilis.

Alumen-6 : Complaints of aged and old people Agent Met-6x (trit. i.e. in powder form) meant especially for religious preachers, orators, public speakers, professors, lawyers, leaders etc. If this medicine is taken 2-3 times before expected demand of voice, there is likely to be much benefit and then, one can speak without no or much hassels. Let the professionals, as aforesaid, try it. If there has been some strain, at all, during the course of speaking, 2-3 doses, at an interval of 30-60 minutes, will repair the damage caused by forceful use of voice.

Caustieum-200 : Voice hoarse, cough hard which may lead even to unconscious evacuations.

It is repeated once again that preventive, corrective and curative steps are all the more essential to get rid of acute or chronic largyngitis.


Lavangaadi Vati or Vyoshaadi Vati should be sucked to soothe the agitated and painful situations. Marichaadi Vati is also used for the same purpose. Spinach boiled in water and the resultant liquid used as a gargle is said to relieve laryngeal pain/swelling. Vyaaghari haritaki 600 mg to 1 gm should be used in hot water to get relief in hoarse voice. Alternatively Bhringraaj Ghrita V2 tsp mixed to Vi a glass of hot milk is can be taken.

Avoid all irritants in food. Light massage with luke-warmed pure ghee will also moisturise agitated throat nerves. Avoid speaking—at least do not speak in a high pitched voice; smoking, cold drinks.

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