Child Care: Child Psychology and Associated Problems

❖ Up to 1 year (infancy stage): The key issue is formation of a strong emotional bond between the child and parents.

❖ 1-3 years (toddler stage): Key issues are formation of a good “self-esteem”, a desire to be autonomous, the child’s frequent use of the word “NO” and his overwhelming desire to please parents with his actions.

❖ 3-6 years (pre-school stage): The child lives in a world of fantasy and perceives himself as the “centre of universe.” Sibling rivalry is common at this age.

❖ More than 6 years (school going stage): The child involves in organised peer group activities, hobbies and development of skills.

❖ Discipline: Verbal/non-verbal expression of disapproval is an effective disciplinary method for all age groups. “Time out” is an effective method for extinguishing harmful or disruptive behaviour.

❖ Behavioural problems: Many of the behavioural problems like thumb sucking, head banging, temper tantrums, nail biting, breath holding etc are attention seeking devices or a means for tensional outlet. Frustration, fatigue, hunger, loneliness, and inadequate parental attention exaggerate them. On the other hand, behaviours like “infantile” stuttering, lisping, pica (dirt eating) etc. are non-attention seeking and go away with time.

❖ Sibling rivalry: One of the best ways to help the older child get over the jealousy and hence rivalry of having a younger sibling is not to make him feel a rival at all. The child should be made to act as if he is a “third” parent to the younger one.

❖ Parental attitude: They should accept the child as it is; with all his goodness as well as shortcomings, without feeling dejected that the child is not one of their “dreams.” They should not have “unrealistic” expectations from him.

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