Neem Therapy: Neem in the Classics of Ayurveda – Harita

1. In vatarakta (acute gout or rheumatism attributed to the aggravation of vata and blood).

A decoction is to be prepared from the leaves of patola (snake gourd—Trichosanthes anguina Linn.) and neem and this is to be given to the patient along with honey. This decoction digests out the vitiation and is a mitigative.

Neem leaves can be pounded in the rice coryee and used as an external ointment for the affected regions. The distress will be greatly lessened.

2. In vranashodhana (cleaning and dressing of the wounds and ulcers).

Leaves of neem are to be ground, mixed with honey and the resultant mass (the kalka) is to be tied over the wound or the ulcer that needs to be cleaned.

3. In dantaroga (Dental disease).

By a gargling with a decoction of the neem root, one can get rid of dental disease.

4. In vishapratikara (counteracting poison).
Administering the fruits of neem in hot water will pacify the virulent action of poisons quickly.

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