Neem Therapy: Neem in the Classics of Ayurveda – Chakradatta

1. In udarda kothadi (in kotha, a kind of ‘leprosy’ with large round spots, ringworm,impetigo and the like).

Administer the powder of dried neem leaf and the powder of similarly dried amalaka fruit Emblica officinalis Gaertn) along with ghee. This is beneficial in boils, the kotha type of skin disease, lesions, shlta pitta (a tumour caused by a chill, attended with sickness and compared to a swelling by a chill, attended with sickness and compared to a swelling caused by a wasp sting), itching, amlapitta (acidity of stomach) and the like.

2. In kamala (jaundice).

Freshly extracted juice of neem leaf is to be given early in the morning along with honey. This will remove the disease of jaundice

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